Honours in the School of Mathematics and Statistics

The university offers some scholarships, see the scholarship information for honours students for details. ... This scholarship valued at $6000 is to facilitate students from interstate enrolling in an honours degree in the Faculty of Science at the

Engaging with reality in the Indian Ocean | United States Studies Centre

China has also occasionally deployed various vessels, from submarines to telemetry-monitoring ships, for specific training, military-diplomatic, or intelligence-gathering purposes. ... Although China’s specific long-term goals are unclear and variable,

About the School

To be more specific, the geometric Gersten conjecture asks whether hyperbolicity is equivalent to having no translation-like action by any Baumslag-solitar group.

Fears AUKUS will undermine Australia’s defence sovereignty are misplaced | United States Studies Centre

Here’s why. What are Australia’s defence sovereignty objectives? Many critiques of AUKUS go far beyond the specific issue of whether the proposed submarine pathway compromises Australia’s defence sovereignty.

America first: US Asia policy under President Trump | United States Studies Centre

33) By February, he expressed “ironclad” support for both allies, but did not articulate specific defence commitments.(34) Then, during his first meeting with Abe after the inauguration, the president reassured ... Additionally, his trip seemed

What does ‘economic security’ mean to Australia in 2024? | United States Studies Centre

Sector-specific approaches to economic security issues could help navigate the difficult trade-offs, reflecting the reality that national resources are distributed unevenly.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Guide 2025

Scholarships Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Entry Scholarship A $10,000 scholarship to support Indigenous students with an ATAR (or equivalent) of 85+ to study at the University of Sydney. ... The number of scholarships available varies each year

State Scholarship Guidelines 2024

scholarships Honours/Masters (by Research) Scholarship. $16,000 4 per year. PhD Scholarship. ... be enrolled at their chosen university for the duration of the scholarship period.