Research Publications for 2016

H. Yang: Integrated single cell data analysis reveals cell specific networks and novel coactivation markers.

Chappelle’s 8:46 – how stand-up comics are the new trusted figureheads | United States Studies Centre

But 8.46 is more specific. More appropriate and instructive than hoary bromides about the essential role of humour is historicising 8.46 within the lineage of black comedians who have

2015 Henry Halloran Trust Annual Report

Clover Moore gave the opening address and Kurt Iveson from the Faculty of Science ran the afternoon workshop session. ... John Toon Honorary Associate Professor, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney.

Academic Integrity Policy 2022

5. Education in academic honesty and discipline specific requirements. Faculties are responsible for educating students about academic integrity requirements. ... 1. Faculties are responsible for:. 44. monitoring and overseeing the implementation of this

Research Publications for 2014

J. R. Wares, J. J. Crivelli, P. S. Kim: Differential equation techniques for modeling a cycle-specific oncolytic virotherapeutic, Mathematical Models of Tumor-Immune System Dynamics. ... Alexander Swarbrick & Roger J Daly: Profiling the tyrosine

Research Publications for 2015

A. Bhaskar, Y. X. R. Wang and Y. S. Song: Efficient inference of population size histories and locus-specific mutation rates from large-sample genomic variation data. ... E Patrick, M Buckley, S Müller, DM Lin, YH Yang: Inferring data-specific micro-RNA

Information Guide

and scholarships • Donations • Research administration and data • Intellectual property administration and management • Research centres • Student and staff support • Student and staff discipline • Convocation • Operation of

HDR Thesis Expenses Allowance Guidelines

HDR thesis expenses allowance guidelines for scholarship holders Eligibility rules: • Applicable to specific postgraduate scholarships with thesis allowance entitlement (e.g. ... Claim procedure: • If the scholarship was offered by a

NRF Annual Report 2018 TK_March 6_2019

There were no specific requests for information responded to by the Foundation office. ... Barnett. “White Matter Tract-Specific Quantitative Analysis in Multiple Sclerosis: Comparison of Optic Radiation Reconstruction Techniques.” PLoS ONE 13, no.