What options are on the table for IPEF? | United States Studies Centre

JETPs can be tailored to the needs and context of specific partner countries, with support from wealthier states. ... The IPEF Supply Chain Council’s function as a platform to develop sector-specific supply chain plans will help to facilitate this.

Learning and Teaching Policy 2019

Dean of the relevant University school. See: University of Sydney (Governance of Faculties and. ... faculty means a faculty, University school or appropriate board of studies and in this policy refers to the faculty, faculties or University schools

Academic Promotions Policy 2015

2) Each LPC is formed under the authority of the Provost and serves a faculty, group of faculties or group of University schools. ... 1 January 2017. 20(c) Removed reference to specific levels 1 January 2017.

America first: US Asia policy under President Trump | United States Studies Centre

33) By February, he expressed “ironclad” support for both allies, but did not articulate specific defence commitments.(34) Then, during his first meeting with Abe after the inauguration, the president reassured ... Additionally, his trip seemed

Research Publications for 2013

Ellis Patrick, Michael Buckley and Yee Hwa Yang: Estimation of data-specific constitutive exons with RNA-Seq data.

Fears AUKUS will undermine Australia’s defence sovereignty are misplaced | United States Studies Centre

Here’s why. What are Australia’s defence sovereignty objectives? Many critiques of AUKUS go far beyond the specific issue of whether the proposed submarine pathway compromises Australia’s defence sovereignty.

Research Publications for 2018

Ranz: A species-specific multigene family mediates differential sperm displacement in Drosophila melanogaster.

What does ‘economic security’ mean to Australia in 2024? | United States Studies Centre

Sector-specific approaches to economic security issues could help navigate the difficult trade-offs, reflecting the reality that national resources are distributed unevenly.

365 days of AUKUS: Progress, challenges and prospects | United States Studies Centre

In the United Kingdom, specific roles have been carved out within the Ministry of Defence with responsibility for AUKUS delivery, though no further information has been made publicly available. ... The October Federal Budget will need to locate funding