Results that match 1 of 2 words


Fish-free omega-3 supplement created from bacteria

15 July 2023 -
While oily fish are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, so too are marine and soil bacteria, however generating extracts containing these acids has long been a major goal,”

Barcelona cool and sexy but not a good look for Sydney

The Planning Minister calls this the Barcelona way. Barcelona charming but not a good example. ... But it's not a good example for Sydney. Instead, look no further than Surry Hills, Newtown, and Glebe.

Climate disaster and adaptation - Sydney Environment Institute

storytelling and collaborative workshops with community members in the Philippines to understand how people’s aspirations of ‘a good life’ can inform climate resilient development pathways.

Identity and resilience: Aboriginal performers have been celebrating NAIDOC week since 1959

12 July 2024 -
Dr Laura Case is a descendent of the Wiradjuri people of Central West New South Wales with mixed settler heritage. ... Laura is an ABC Top 5 Researcher for 2024. This story was first published on The Conversation.


the ability to enable your goods or services to be purchased via catalogues on UniBuy, allowing staff to view and select from your range of products.

Students hack for humanitarian good

21 July 2023 -
Students hack for humanitarian good. 30 July 2021. Student teams awarded in the 2021 Humanitarian Hackathon . ... world. Over 23-25 July, 130 undergraduate students from leading Australian universities hacked for humanitarian good at a live, online

Feeling glum? 10 positive stories you may have missed

14 August 2020 -
10 stories to bring you out of that COVID-19 slump. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is still some good happening in the world. ... 7. Eat like the animals for good health. Olive baboons in Uganda eat the bark of particular trees that are