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Supporting cardiovascular research at World Heart Day - Intranet

SiSi Jia won a King and Amy O'Malley Trust Scholarship and a Leadership, Evidence and Advancing Practice (LEAP) Travel Grant at the Dietitians Australia Conference held in Adelaide in August

Five minutes with our Makers & Shapers Research Support Excellence - Intranet

The whole team (Mona Shamshiri, Sub Adhikari, Jayan Karunasinghe, Spiros Zerbinis, Linda Limanoh, Vidya Alvares, Juliana Kulevski and Muradiye Payir) felt a real sense of pride and accomplishment to be named

Open Letter to the Chancellor signed

Caterson AM 46 Danille Celermajer 47 Pierre Chapuis 48. Alex Chaves 49 Min Chen 50 Peter Cistulli 51 John Clark 52 Annie Clarke 53 Christine Clarke 54 Lindy Clemson 55 Linda ... Frank Stilwell. Bronwyn Harch. Robert Boakes. Linda Connor. Jill Trewhella.

Makers and Shaper award winners announced! - Intranet

Pharmacy student MedRec team, Sydney Pharmacy School: Carl Schneider, Rosemary Burke, Linda Do, Rebekah Moles, Asad (Sid) Patanwala, Jonathan Penm.

Collateral Enforcement and Strategic Behavior:Evidence From a Foreclosure Moratorium ...

away from their mortgages. Mayer et al. (2014) and OMalley (2018) show that credit inter-. ... ability to pay. For example, OMalley (2018) shows that a legal ruling in Ireland that pre-.

Makers & Shapers award winners announced - Semester 1 2024 - Intranet

Carbo Yeung. Sara Wardak and Allyson Todd. Mona Shamshiri, Sub Adhikari, Jayan Karunasinghe, Spiros Zerbinis, Linda Limanoh, Vidya Alvares, Juliana Kulevski and Muradiye Payir. ... Click to enlarge.). Mona Shamshiri, Sub Adhikari, Jayan Karunasinghe,

Bank FX hedging needs and the impact on coveredinterest ...

Bank FX hedging needs and the impact on coveredinterest parity, an Emerging Market perspective. G. Banco de México. August 2019. Abstract. This paper examines the role of banking sector foreign currency hedging de-mand in