Results that match 1 of 2 words

Collateral Enforcement and Strategic Behavior:Evidence From a Foreclosure Moratorium ...

away from their mortgages. Mayer et al. (2014) and OMalley (2018) show that credit inter-. ... ability to pay. For example, OMalley (2018) shows that a legal ruling in Ireland that pre-.

(Lewis & Quinnell)

Qualitative Inquiry 22,. no. 5, (2016): 377-385. Black, Alie, and Gail Crimmins, and Linda Henderson.

Bank FX hedging needs and the impact on coveredinterest ...

Bank FX hedging needs and the impact on coveredinterest parity, an Emerging Market perspective. G. Banco de México. August 2019. Abstract. This paper examines the role of banking sector foreign currency hedging de-mand in

Successful academic promotions in the Faculty of Medicine and Health - Intranet

Linda Taoube, Faculty of Medicine and Health. Katrina 'oto'ota Tonga, Faculty of Medicine and Health. ... John Francis O'Sullivan, Faculty of Medicine and Health. Mac Shine, Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Macroprudential Policy Leakage through Firms Björn Imbierowicz‡ Axel Loeffler* ...

banks across locales in Central and Eastern Europe (Ongena, Popov and Udell (2013)), or the UK and Ireland (McCann and O’Toole (2019)).

Information on Hot Stuff: Do Lenders PayAttention to Climate ...

man, Russell Smyth, Linda Allen, Silvio Contessi and participants at the GRASFI 2022, NFA 2022, FMADubai 2022, and FMA Asia-Pacific 2022 conference for their helpful suggestions.

i Banks’ Private Money Creation and Market Preferences: Evidence ...

corresponding increase in their book equity. Linda Allen and Saunders (1992) evidence of systematic upward window dressing.

Cross-Border Bank Flows and Monetary Policy Ricardo Correa∗ Federal ...

We thank Jason Allen, Greg Bauer, Allen Berger, Falk Brauning, Mark Carey, Luis Catao, Stijn Claessens,Sally Davies, Gaston Gelos, Linda Goldberg, John Kandrac, Seung Lee, Andrew Levin, Patrick McGuire,Camelia

Commercial Bank Failures During The Great Recession: The Real ...

Dell’Ariccia, Hans Degryse, John Duca, Ingo Fender,Thierry Foucault, Roland Füss, Linda Goldberg, Galina Hale, Florian Heider, Luc Laeven, Simone Manganelli, PatrickMcGuire, Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, Perry Mehrling, Steven Ongena,