Results that match 1 of 2 words

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Thesis submission

We make every effort to meet your space and equipment requirements, however we can’t guarantee all requirements can be met due to the large and complex nature of exhibitions.
Current students_

Common scams

You might be contacted by scammers who explain that you have unexpectedly won something such as a large amount of money, a holiday, an inheritance or some other winnings. ... Money muling. You might be approached by somebody offering you a large amount
Current students_

Returning home from Australia

Don’t take out large amounts of cash – you need to declare to Customs at the airport if you’re leaving with more than $10,000 cash in Australian or equivalent
Current students_

3000 level - projects and partners

Another challenge within the beef industry is that research indicates that a large proportion of producers exhibit a level of resistance to changing on-farm sustainability practices.