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Experts examine the COVID-19 tracing app

Australians will need to sign up quickly and in large numbers for COVIDSafe to work effectively, says School of Economics academic, Professor Robert Slonim. ... Considering the large population in China and the consequent difficulty in contract tracing,

Australia’s Bulwark Against the Far Right

Hanson targets. A large minority of Australians nostalgically long for a country where English was the only language spoken, and where non-Christian religions were invisible.

Could a sugary drinks tax improve Australian diets?

Why are soft drinks bad for our health? A large number of studies show that soft drink consumption increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay, and soft ... Soft drink has a large of amount of added sugar (when it’s not

Making deer fair game for unlicensed hunting in NSW

Aerial shooting can potentially be more successful over large tracts of land, but may not be a good option when tree cover is high and visibility is low.

Thinking about getting your child the flu vaccine?

Is it safe? Childhood influenza vaccination was temporarily suspended in 2010 after an unexpectedly large number of children had high fevers.

3D printed organs - they're closer than you might think

Producing organoids at a scale large enough to confer therapeutic benefit to humans remains a significant challenge. ... These will be sufficiently complex scaffolds which will support the growth of organoids large enough for clinical applications.

Heres what armchair COVID experts are getting wrong

The rapid case-doubling time and protracted recovery time also create a large discrepancy between counts of active and recovered cases.

How students interact on campus (and why chocolate can help)

The Peter Nicol Russell Building (PNR), in the heart of the engineering precinct, is designed as a large-scale teaching space but it also a home for most popular social events ... International students. The third large group of students socialise

What causes knock knees and do they have to be treated?

is large, if they appear late or worsen after eight years of age, occur on only one leg, are painful or cause a limp. ... Bone diseases resulting from poor mineralisation, such as rickets, may present through large knee angles during childhood.