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Unit of study_

Econometric Analysis

This is followed by a formal introduction to probability and statistics, leading up to the law of large numbers and central limit theorem.
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Age of Empires

We will examine political, economic, social and cultural trends in a range of regions across a large span of time, c.
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Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is an emerging paradigm of utilising large-scale computing services over the Internet that will affect individual and organization's computing needs from small to large.
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Terrestrial Field Ecology

into large-scale project management. ... Students attend a week-long field course and participate in a large-scale research project as well as conducting their own research project.
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Introduction to Complex Systems

Complex technological, biological, socio-economic and socio-ecological systems (power grids, communication and transport systems, food webs, megaprojects, and interdependent civil infrastructure) are composed of large numbers of diverse interacting
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Data Science Capstone

Data Science Capstone - DATA3888. Year - 2024. In our ever-changing world, we are facing a new data-driven era where the capability to efficiently combine and analyse large data collections is
Unit of study_

Principles of Data Science

with the goal of enabling discovery of information and knowledge to guide effective decision making and to gain new insights from large data sets.
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Intelligent Information Engineering Practice

All students will be involved in designing mini-projects and a large project.
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Analysis of Aerospace Engineering Data

The unit is aimed at providing an overview on conducting experiments, data acquisition and data analysis, thus expanding and providing further foundation on the faculty vision of large digital data analysis.
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Statistical Methodology

Statistical Methodology - STAT5611. Year - 2023. The great power of the discipline of Statistics is the possibility to make inferences concerning a large population based on only observing a relatively small sample