1 How binding is supervisory guidance? Evidence from the ...

over the last three decades. The resulting regulatory environment is thus the product. ... controls lagged one year, namely the natural logarithm of total assets, return on.

1 The Pricing Implications of the Oligopolistic Securities Lending ...

Natural. lenders are pension funds, trusts, and insurance firms, who hold large portfolios of assets. ... 2018; Gagnon, 2018), we use the natural logarithm of the value-fees (LogFees) in the.

- 1 - Hedge Fund Activism and Capital Structure1 ...

A natural question to pose is: Why is leverage such a critical firm characteristic attracting. ... argue that such market reactions are a product of mechanical mean reversion in leverage.

Access to Debt and Corporate Environmental Performance: Evidence from ...

we add parent-firm level control variables, such as parent firm size (measured by the natural. ... Ln(1Emissions/Production), the natural logarithm of one plus the total emissions over the total.


for NSW dairy products. On Day 2 delegates head to Singleton to meet John & Allison and Daniel & Sarah Redgrove to get an insight. ... Introduction. Consumers are increasingly demanding high quality dairy products produced at very high standards of.

1 Does climate policy uncertainty affect a firm’s lease ...

change-driven accelerated calamities, Wang (2023) finds that natural catastrophes wreak havoc on. ... operating leases since natural disasters deepen firms’ collateral constraints, which leads to external.

1 The Effect of Home Ownership on Consumption: Evidence ...

consumption. First, it provides a natural setting to understand channels through which home. ... We then take. the natural logarithm of one plus consumption for various consumption categories.

Cross Block Ownership of Traded Commercial Real Estate Portfolios ...

Cross Block Ownership of Traded Commercial Real Estate Portfolios. 1. Cross Block Ownership of Traded Commercial Real Estate Portfolios: The Funding Optionality Value of Being Part of an Index. Jocelyn Evans and Timothy Jones. College of Charleston

    Conference Book         Right: Aerial view of Broken Bay, directly north of Sydney      ...

expenditure and product aggregates. The Australian IO Tables provide detailed information about the supply and use of products in the Australian economy and about the. ... 3. An optimisation approach for updating product data in supply and use tablesby

Dealer Trading at the Fix by Carol Oslera and ...

it regularly. This message came through loud and clear in the Non-investment Products Code signed by.