Collateral Enforcement and Strategic Behavior:Evidence From a Foreclosure Moratorium ...

bank, its scope across both credit and deposit products, and proximity to bank branches. ... one additional credit product with the bank (credit card, term loan, or revolving credit).

Security Lending Market, Secondary Market Arbitrageurs, and ETF Mispricing ...

CEN/A filings. Since 2018, ETF products have been required to file N-CEN Forms. ... vector of control variables (includingETF expense ratio, ETF bid-ask spread, the natural.

1 Stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies: Friends or ...

domestic product (GDP) approaching that of other major economies. Second, being a “relatively. ... significantly affects cryptocurrencies that could be considered as “substitute products” due to their.

Bank Tax and Deposit Competition: Evidence from U.S. State ...

could go either way, depending on the elasticity of the deposit product and competition. ... Federal Reserve. Product-wise, we choose 12-month certificates of deposit with an account.

Corporate Propensity to Dissave Alexander Vadilyev and Vikram Nanda§ ...

problematic for the majority of loss-making firms. Dissaving is therefore a natural way. ... and its cross-product terms with cash flow, CF NEG and CF (1NEG), determine.

Green versus sustainable loans: The impact on firms’ ESG ...

score (13.2 points) and product responsibility score (10.5 points). These findings indicate. ... tiveness of green financial products and their impact on the firms’ ESG performance (see,.

Shareholder Litigation and Readability in Financial Disclosures: Evidence from a Natural Experiment

results. Such similar findings, using a different natural experiment, are reassuring as they address. ... natural experiment. The following difference-in-differences specification with year and firm fixed.

Information on Hot Stuff: Do Lenders PayAttention to Climate ...

banks in response to natural shocks. Cortés (2023) finds that local lenders accounted. ... ence. These studies focus on changes in lending ex-post a natural disaster.

1 Geopolitics and international bank flows Kun Li and ...

that bilateral flows are proportional to the product of the two countries’ masses in question,. ... proxied by the log of gross domestic product (GDP), and inversely proportional to the.

Before thrive, first survive: The impact of controlling shareholder ...

Pereira Taipa, Macau. Email: Acknowledgment. Yang Gao gratefully acknowledges the financial support from the National Natural Science.