
changes (at an annual rate) in real and nominal gross domestic product (GDP); the unemployment.

The Impact of TARP Capital Infusions on Bank Liquidity ...

Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This study also employs the natural logarithm of Gross. ... Domestic Product (lngdp) as a macro control, which is sourced from the St.

Off-Balance-Sheet Securitization, Bank Lending, andCorporate Innovation∗ Yiwei Dou† and ...

We use three innovation measures: the R&D. spending of firm i in year t (R&D), the natural logarithm of one plus the number of. ... patents produced by firm i in year t 1 to t 2 (Patent), and the natural logarithm of.

Network-motivated Lending Decisions: A Rationale for Forbearance Lending∗ Yoshiaki ...

and weighted network of sales among oligopolistic firms offering differentiated products that are. ... Thus, equilibrium in the product market is uniquely determined according to the unique price.

Endogenous Bank-Firm Matching: Time-variation and Effects Silvio Contessi∗, Hassan ...

The key variable is the product of. the bank capital ratio and the unrated dummy. ... one is a product of bank size and firm size (Bank SizebtFirm Sizeft).

Appointing Charity Directors in Response toESG Incidents * Marina ...

one of its products - a pair of pants that carried the symbol of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity,. ... tinct types: 1) Emissions and Resource Use, 2) Community, 3) Workforce, 4) Product.

Bank Asset Problem and Financial Stability∗ John C. Chu† ...

its loan quality status, bad or good. In reality, our assumptions are more natural than the. ... from current savings. We will set the criteria for household choices of financial products in.

Public Short Campaigns 20230131 SSRN

hand. New product launches are defined as introductions or a major new version of products,. ... quantity, efficiency, and quality. We measure a firm’s product quantity using the natural.

Adverse Selection in Credit Certificates: Evidence from a P2P ...

investment products on these platforms. They have little knowledge about either the borrowers’ credit. ... A natural question is whether lenders. are sophisticated enough to recognize the adverse selection in credit certificates, or do they still trust

Dismembered Giants: Bank Divestitures and Local Lending Yong Kyu ...

and adjacent non-M&A counties between 1999 and 2014. Ln(Mortgage) is the natural. ... negative in both columns. However, in the first column, where the natural log of.