Results that match 1 of 2 words

Learning Resources - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

Object Matters - Chau CHak Wing Museum. Join Dr Craig Barker as he and a guest discuss one item in detail from our collections of art, archaeology, natural history, science and culture.

Climate change a health risk, not just an environmental issue

13 August 2021 -
Dr David Pencheon, University of Cambridge. Planetary health. Planetary health is a multi-disciplinary field founded on the interconnectedness of human and natural systems. ... It recognises that human advancement and economic development impose heavy

There aren't plenty more fish in the sea

13 August 2021 -
Aquaculture is the fastest growing, food-related primary industry in the world. Associate Professor Joy Becker is taking a closer look at sustainable fish farming in Australia.

NCP Trusts: not just for tax evaders and money launderers

16 October 2019 -
While high-profile cases such as the Panama and Paradise Papers have contributed to the view that offshore Non-Charitable Purpose (NCP) trusts are primarily vehicles for illicit activities, there are legitimate commercial reasons Australian

Multi award winning mask maker turns to Business School for global market insights

27 September 2023 -
However, AusAir's Isaac Honor says the company is prepared to "proactively and aggressively" market its products around the world. ... The market is dominated by products that focus on pure utility, but we want to allow people to express themselves while

Memorialisation platform wins Sydney Genesis startup competition

6 June 2022 -
The money will go directly toward accelerating product development. The sooner we have more features available for our customers, the better," Ms Gomes said.

The Biotechnology transforming crops for Australian farmers

15 December 2020 -
The biotechnology transforming crops for Australian farmers. 11 March 2020. Agriculture's digital frontier for tackling disease. By the time a farmer sees a disease outbreak in their crops, devastating financial and environmental consequences might

Students in design-athon to help people with disabilities

16 December 2019 -
This week up to 40 students from the University of Sydney will take part in a design-athon to mastermind new products and technology that could help improve the lives of ... During the event, 11 teams will work through different issues that will shape

School for startups: the course launching new student businesses

18 April 2018 -
There is much excitement worldwide about the product’s potential applications in medicine, from dissolvable sutures to coverings for burns and wounds. ... After a little reading, she learnt something exciting: the product was not only good for reducing

Higher degrees of value

Thursday September 10, 2020
was appointed Chief Executive, Distribution, Product and Marketing in December 2018, having previously held the role of Chief Operating Officer. ... In this role, she is responsible for the overall strategic direction and coordination of distribution,