Results that match 1 of 2 words


HeatWatch app to be trialled over summer as temperatures soar

18 December 2023 -
Director of the Heat and Health Research Incubator Professor Ollie Jay said heatwaves in Australia claim more lives than any other natural disaster and it’s important people understand that the

Why climate change law is a hot debate

Thursday November 21, 2019
Climate change is a classic ‘hot’ situation – it is polycentric, involves scientific predictions, and is a product of socio-political arrangements.

Two thirds of farmland at risk of pesticide pollution

18 November 2021 -
A global map of agricultural land across 168 countries has revealed that 64 percent of land used for agriculture and food crops is at risk of pesticide pollution. Almost a third of these areas are considered to be at high-risk.

Make like a leaf: researchers developing new method to convert CO2

3 October 2019 -
University of Sydney researchers are drawing inspiration from leaves to reduce carbon emissions, using nanotechnology to develop a method for 'carbon photosynthesis' that they hope will one day be adopted on an industrial-scale.

Environmental activism and academia

14 October 2016 -
Acclaimed Australian author and public speaker Don Watson and others will discuss the challenges and joys of communication about the environment at a time when the natural world is under great

Experts ask authority to hold oil giant to account on Bight plan

22 October 2019 -
22 May 2019. Submission highlights risks in ‘overconfident’ drill plan. A group of energy and natural resource experts, led by the University of Sydney, is calling on Australia's regulator to ... The submission was co-authored by University of Sydney

Beyond the acronym a conversation with CAPS

27 September 2023 -
First year student Avish Sharma talks to Counselling and Psychological Services about getting the help you need.

Kepler's final exoplanet discovery revealed

16 October 2019 -
The Kepler space telescope, launched 10 years ago, has surrendered its last secret. The first planet candidate KOI-4 from 2009 has only just been confirmed as a super-hot-Jupiter-type planet 2600 light years away. Find out how the international team

Soil, carbon sequestration and the fight against climate change

13 August 2021 -
The International Union of Soil Sciences lists 32 different soil reference groups with names like andosols and regosols, with 120 sub-groups, all affected by natural and human forces. ... That said, Minasny clearly sees the practicalities. “Farming