
Andrea Koch is an agtech strategy and product development consultant and board director with the National Farmers Federation and SproutX. ... Peter was a cofounder of Natural Carbon, a carbon project developer generating credits for landowners focussed

UN Sustainable Development Goals update

More efficient use of resources has co-benefits of reduced environmental degradation and pollution associated with the life cycle of a product. ... The University’s Macleay Museum has the oldest natural history collection in Australia, showcasing a

About the School

S. Turner for the University's centenary celebrations in 1952. The first Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy was Morris Birkbeck Pell (1827-1879), one of the University's three foundation ... Room was another product of St John's College,

Professor Annamarie Jagose Provost & Deputy Vice-Chancellor 31 January ...

DARE’s partner organisations represent some of the nation’s leading organisations directly involved in natural resource use and management. ... understand uncertainty; and to make the best possible evidence-based decisions in exploiting and

Professor Stephen Garton FAHA, FASSA, FRAHS Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor ...

We do not, however, have good on-farm technologies for: segregation of product based on quality, provenance characterisation, and for packaging into smaller portions or aliquots, so that the new products ... after, high value products and services, that$100-billion-by-2030_usyd-submission_no-sig.pdf

Cameron Webb – Climate change and the rise of mosquitoes

There are hundreds of different mosquitosthat are a natural part of the Australian environment. ... Choosea product that contains either the keratin or [inaudible] they will provide thelongest lasting protection.

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Agricultural Sector Resilience to Natural Disasters in Southeast AsiaMs Nadila Puspa Arum Widjanarko, Dr Arini Utami, Dr Jamhari Jamhari.

Biodiversity Management Plan 2021-2025

Peaceful and just societies have no need for conflict over natural resources or contamination. ... Resources: • Australian Museum Pollination. Figure 17. Natural and artificial hollows and habitat resources.

What the election of Donald Trump means for Asia-Pacific energy | United States Studies Centre

His party's policy platform is for the US to become the "number one producer of oil and natural gas in the world". ... However, Trump could tweak the requirements to receive IRA tax credits or rescind unspent IRA funds, which could slow demand for clean