scnews: "Algebra Seminar: David Ridout -- Logarithmic Kazhdan--Lusztig correspondences" by Alex Sherman

It is natural to replace untwisted affine Kac--Moody algebra’’ with affine vertex operator algebra’’. ... Work in this direction originally concentrated on cases in which there is a natural VOA category that is finite and semisimple.

Student Algebra Seminar, 2019 Semester 1

We will then define Mozes’s Numbers Game and show how many of these natural questions have simple interpretations and solutions in terms of the game. ... We show how to produce convolution algebras from certain fibre products, and show how simple

The Broad Street Pump October 2011 - Issue 25

needed. Australia’s capacity to respond to deliberate, accidental or natural biothreats is now much better. ... The loss of natural habit has resulted in bats finding alter-native food sources.

NFTs and Gamestop on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

So a really natural situations that we haven't seen in that quality before. ... There'll be Spotify and iTunes and Apple Music and Amazon, all the regulars, but the NFT version will be available on YellowHeart and will be a product with a number

Draft Feb

ence and public health messages within the same script. This. type of product reaches a wide audience and a sequel to Con-. ... agriculture; population displacement due to natural catastro-. phes and wars; climate change; human incursions into ani-.

Research Publications for 2006

M.A. Chebotar, Wen-Fong Ke, P.-H. Lee, R.B. Zhang: On maps preserving zero Jordan products. ... Anthony Henderson: Plethysm for wreath products and homology of sub-posets of Dowling lattices.

Recent Trends in Nonlinear Evolution Equations

a. ,. f. ). in a natural sense, and if. ... Abstract. Understanding the growth of the product of eigenfunctions. u. v.

Virtual prisons and satellites on The Future, This Week – Sydney Business Insights (SBI)

Transcript. This transcript is the product of an artificial intelligence - human collaboration. ... And so they want to argue that the night sky in its natural state is a shared human right, like the right to breathe unpolluted air, drink clean drinking

The Broad Street Pump Aug 2017 - Issue 46

PCR products were visualised by 2% agarose gel electrophoresis. The interpretation of result was based on the presence or absence of amplicons. ... health and wellbeing, but also to the “sustainability of our civilization” and to the "natural and

PDE Seminar: abstract

β. ,. ζ. ,. a. ,. f. As a by-product, this establishes the existence of such solutions. ... The convergence is obtained without assuming non-physical regularity properties on the solution, which in particular allows for discontinuous permeabilities and