Results that match 1 of 2 words


Animal Production

Contemporary animal production aims to yield high-quality products in an efficient, sustainable and humane fashion. ... Please note this Honours pathway is only available in 2022. Contemporary animal production aims to yield high-quality products in an
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Chemistry 1B (Advanced)

Through enquiry, observation and measurement, you will better understand the natural and physical world and will be able to apply this understanding to real-world problems and solutions.
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Animal Health and Disease

Animal Health and Disease - AVBS3005. Year - 2024. The ability for animals to live a healthy and productive life free of disease is essential to sustain farming and natural animal populations.
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Green Engineering

Green Engineering - SUCH3003. Year - 2023. Green engineering, eco-technology and sustainable technology are all interchangeable terms for the design of products and processes that maximise resource and energy efficiency, minimise (or
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Marketing Principles

It focuses on consumer responses to various marketing decisions (product mixes, price levels, distribution channels, promotions, etc.) made by private and public organisations to create, develop, defend, and sometimes eliminate, product ... Specific
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Environmental and Analytical Chemistry

By doing this unit you will develop a solid understanding of the interaction between the natural environment and human chemical activity, the capacity to assess discussion of environmental issues in an
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Environment, Sediment and Climate Change

On completion of this unit students will be familiar with the natural processes that produce and modify sediments across a range of environments at the Earth's surface, including fluvial, aeolian,
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Green Engineering

Green Engineering - CHNG5003. Year - 2024. Green engineering, eco-technology and sustainable technology are all interchangeable terms for the design of products and processes that maximise resource and energy efficiency, minimise (or
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Food Quality and Safety

The content is aimed at ensuring that the consumer receives food products that are safe to consume and with the desired level of quality, both in terms of their sensory attributes
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Engineering for a Sustainable Society

Energy production and use, and product design are investigated from a sustainability perspective.