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Sustainability and Knowledge Management

The emphasis is on using projects to deliver value not only in terms of economic capital but also developing social capital and preserving natural capital.
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Gender, Media and Consumer Societies

Gender, Media and Consumer Societies - WMST6903. Year - 2024. This unit examines theories of consumption in regards to cultural and media products and practices, with a specific focus on gender.
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Visual Data Analytics

Students will also learn about the limitations of visual perception and how to design powerful visuals that can tap into our natural cognitive predisposition in favouring visual types of information.
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Managing Food and Beverage Supply Chains

This includes the need to consider products bulkiness, perishability and seasonality, coupled with potential additional infrastructure requirements in respect of temperature-controlled storage and transport.
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Hist and Phil of the Physical Sciences

This unit of study deals with some central problems in the history and philosophy of the natural sciences. ... Upon completion of the unit, students will have developed a range of skills that will allow them to explore the natural sciences with a more
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Arbitrage Pricing in Continuous Time

Its aim is to introduce the basic concepts and problems of securities markets and to develop theoretical frameworks for pricing financial products and hedging the risk associated with them.
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Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

c) Microcontrollers - ubiquitous in modern engineered products - will be introduced through experiential learning with development kits.
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Structural Dynamics

In a first step, free vibrations are studied and the problem of determining the natural frequency of a system is addressed. ... This unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills: Understanding of the fundamental concepts and