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Structural Dynamics

In a first step, free vibrations are studied and the problem of determining the natural frequency of a system is addressed. ... This unit will provide students with the following knowledge and skills: Understanding of the fundamental concepts and
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Botany (Advanced)

Botany aims to increase and improve our supply of medicines, foods, and other plant products, and is critical for anyone interested in contributing to the sustainable future of our planet.
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Microbiology in a Changing World

2) ‘Microbes in the Environment’ will examine how microbes are used to manage soil and water quality in natural and polluted environments and how they contribute to agriculture.
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Modern Therapeutics and Medical Devices

This unit will give students the skills to understand how cell and gene therapy products are researched, developed and regulated. ... Finally, the unit will examine the regulatory requirements for licensing and registration of these types of products in
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Quantitative Disaster Analysis

Quantitative Disaster Analysis - PHYS4802. Year - 2023. In recent decades, anthropogenic disasters such as climate change are increasingly adding to natural disasters, both impacting on people and assets of built infrastructure, resulting
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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

c) Microcontrollers - ubiquitous in modern engineered products - will be introduced through experiential learning with development kits.
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Gene and Genome Regulation (Advanced)

You will also explore how manipulation of the genome through natural or targeted mutation can contribute to, prevent or treat disease.
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New Product Development

New Product Development - MKTG6004. Year - 2024. New products and services are crucial to successful growth and increased profits in many industries. ... A product development assignment is carried out to reinforce the material covered and to provide