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Agile Project Methods

Yet, under conditional of market disruption, in innovation projects, new product development or for start-up businesses, traditional methods are often restrictive and inflexible.
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Statistical Learning and Data Mining

Statistical Learning and Data Mining - QBUS6810. Year - 2023. It is now common for businesses to have access to very rich information data sets, often generated automatically as a by-product of ... It provides the tools necessary to extract information
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Gene and Genome Regulation (Advanced)

You will also explore how manipulation of the genome through natural or targeted mutation can contribute to, prevent or treat disease.
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Computed Tomography Theory

Quality Assurance (QA) of CT scanners will be explored. Finally, CT radiation dose considerations, such as the measurement of Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI), the Dose Length Product (DLP), and the
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Fundamentals of Chemistry 1A

Chemistry underpins all aspects of the natural and physical world, and provides the basis for new technologies and advances in the life, medical and physical sciences, engineering, and industrial processes. ... Through inquiry, observation and measurement
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Designing for Emergent Technologies

Designing for Emergent Technologies - DECO2021. Year - 2024. New technology-mediated ways of interfacing with information, products, and services are now the norm rather than the exception.
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Qualitative Research in Design

This unit will prepare students for the common industry context of needing to capture latent user needs and diverse stakeholder perspectives to arrive at effective products and services.
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Animal Health and Disease

Animal Health and Disease - AVBS3005. Year - 2023. The ability for animals to live a healthy and productive life free of disease is essential to sustain farming and natural animal populations.
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Botany aims to increase and improve our supply of medicines, foods, and other plant products, and is critical for anyone interested in contributing to the sustainable future of our planet.