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Unit of study_

Rings, Fields and Galois Theory (Adv)

The philosophy is that it should be possible to factorize any polynomial into a product of linear factors by working over a "large enough" field (such as the field of all
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Econ of Minerals and Energy Industries

The implications of mineral extraction and energy generation activities for natural resources and the environment are explored.
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Rings, Fields and Galois Theory (Adv)

The philosophy is that it should be possible to factorize any polynomial into a product of linear factors by working over a "large enough" field (such as the field of all
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International and Global Marketing

International and Global Marketing - MKTG6013. Year - 2023. This unit aims to give students an understanding of international marketing concepts by using the framework of marketing mix elements of product, price, distribution ... Topics include the scope
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Project Management Capstone Project

The project will be judged on the extent and quality of the student's contribution to the project and the product deliverables, particularly on their understanding of the business or organisational
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Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

c) Microcontrollers - ubiquitous in modern engineered products - will be introduced through experiential learning with development kits.
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Managing Supply Chain Disruption

Increasingly complex supply chains leave businesses vulnerable to abnormal events and disruptions, including natural disasters, supplier failure, cyber security threats and wide scale threats such as pandemics and climate change.