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individual Thank you letters. NEAF GRANTS. NEAF awarded two grants in late 2021 (for research etc. ... posted on our website for review. NEAF AGM In 2021 our AGM was held on the zoom platform on 24th

NEAF Members Season's Greetings

Acknowledging NEAF member support Member support of our events creates funding for grants for archaeological research. ... Thank you for supporting our grant programme. I am pleased to tell you that we have just awarded grants to three amazing young

NEAF Bulletin #52 February 2008 Page 6NEAF Bulletin #52 ...

NEAF Bulletin #52 February 2008 Page 6NEAF Bulletin #52 February 2008 Page 6. ... A NEAF Grant-in-Aid of $2,500 in 2005 and the inaugural Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid of $2,000 in 2006 assisted in funding Ruth Ward’s doctoral research

NEAF Friends Season's Greeting

Acknowledging NEAF support Your support of our events creates funding for grants for archaeological research. ... Thank you for supporting our grant programme. I am pleased to tell you that we have just awarded grants to three amazing young archaeologists

Between 9 January and 17 February 2015, archaeologists from ...

For that, I am extremely grateful for NEAF's support in my endeavour. ... I am incredibly grateful to the NEAF for their award of the Grant-in-Aid, which was a welcome contribution to this successful final field season.

Since late 2014, the University of New England (UNE) ...

Jamie joins fellow NEAF and Pella stalwart, Dr Paul Donnelly, who is Associate Director of the University of Sydney Museums. ... NEAF's contributionDuring 2017, thanks to a supporting grant from the Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation, given in honour of

Excavations always provide surprises and sometimes sites turn out ...

I discovered the NEAF site via the Sydney University website, and sent off an application.

A NEAF Grant-in-Aid of $5‚000 in 2015 in the ...

A NEAF Grant-in-Aid of $5‚000 in 2015 in the form of Leone Crawford Travel Grant. ... here. NEAF Grant-in-Aid Report. A travel to southwestern Iran: the Kingdom of Elymais.

J. Basil Hennessy, founding Director of the Near Eastern ...

Under his initial guidance, and with on-going in-kind and financial sponsorship, NEAF flourishes to this day, organizing public lectures and study days, developing archaeological tours, bringing visiting scholars to ... Australia, and (most importantly)