�e first season of the Borders of Arabia and ...

Support for research is through travel grants, fellowships, publication subsidies, and field programme finance. ... A NEAF Grant-in-Aid of $2,500 in 2005 and the inaugural Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid of $2,000 in 2006 assisted in funding Ruth Ward’s

NEAF Grant Report – The Catherine Southwell-Keely Travel Grant ...

NEAF Grant Report –. The Catherine Southwell-Keely Travel Grant ($3,500). The Cemetery 1000 at Tell Fara South – A Re-Examination of the Tomb Assemblages. ... Grant. In 1928, for almost three seasons, the British School of Archaeology in Egypt, under

IntroductionArchaeologists from Sydney University and associated Australian institutions, along ...

IntroductionArchaeologists from Sydney University and associated Australian institutions, along with 34 NEAF-sponsored volunteers coming from all over Australia, and 55 local labourers from Tabaqat Fahl and surrounding villages, together completed

Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation Bulletin 54 October 2010—Page 1 ...

Bourke, Director, Pella Excavations. IntroductionArchaeologists from Sydney University and an ever-expanding group of associated Australian institutions, along with 32 NEAF-sponsored volunteers, and 50 local labourers, completed another successful

The Kashmir Prehistory Project is an ongoing collaboration between ...

Generous support by the NEAF through a grant-in-aid allowed the acquisition of a series of radiocarbon AMS dates for these models. ... Thanks to the support from NEAF we have recently published the project findings in Quaternary International and

Archaeologists from Sydney University and other Austral-ian institutions along ...

and the Iron Age Palatial Residence. NUMBER 51. NEAF Bulletin #32 August 1998 1. ... Support for research is through travel grants, fellowships, publication subsidies, and field programme finance.

Jebel Khalid is located on the west bank of ...

NEAF GRANT REPORT. Map showing major archaeological sites in the Central Plateau, Iran. ... also be able to find information on NEAF sponsored excavations such as Pella in Jordan and information on NEAF's Grants in Aid which are given out each year to


individual Thank you letters. NEAF GRANTS. NEAF awarded three grants in late 2023 (for research etc. ... through by James Sauer’s ASOR Syrian Survey. Ms Candance Richards University of Sydney received a NEAF Grant in Aid for $5,000 for archival

Welcome to the 50th issue of the NEAF Bulletin. ...

NEAF Bulletin #50 September 2006 Page 4NEAF Bulletin #50 September 2006 Page 4. ... NEAF Bulletin #50 September 2006 Page 6NEAF Bulletin #50 September 2006 Page 6.