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Unit of study_

Communicating Ideas in Biomedical Science

This will involve writing a grant proposal on the theme of your research project as well as giving an oral a poster presentation of your research.

Global social work

Global social workCrossing borders, blurring boundaries. Edited by Carolyn Noble, Helle Strauss and. Brian Littlechild. First published by Sydney University Press Individual contributors 2014 Sydney University Press 2014. Reproduction and

Legal Framework for e-Research: Realising the Potential

LEGAL FRAMEWORKFOR e-RESEARCH:. REALISING THEPOTENTIAL. EDITED BYBRIAN FITZGERALD. BA (Griff), LLB (Hons) (QUT), BCL (Oxon), LLM (Harv), PhD(Griff) Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Innovation. (QUT Faculty of Law), Project Leader of the
Unit of study_

Neural Information Processing (Advanced)

Students acquire skills in grant writing and develop their critical thinking and knowledge about experimental design by writing their own research proposal.

Expanding peace journalism: comparative and critical approaches

Expanding peacejournalism: comparativeand critical approaches. Edited by Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, Jake Lynch,and Robert A Hackett. Copyright. Published 2011 by SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESSUniversity of Sydney Introduction Margaret

Markets, Rights and Power in Australian Social Policy

A small grant from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at TheUniversity of Sydney brought the contributors together in 2011, andwe would like to thank Dr Gyu-Jin Hwang for
Unit of study_

Clinical Epidemiology Project

to develop a grant proposal suitable for a peer-reviewed granting body, Research Project: A research project will involve: drafting and refining the project proposal; data collection; data analysis; and produce ... Grant proposal project: Each section of

The True History of Copyright: The Australian Experience 1905–2005

THE TRUE HISTORYOF COPYRIGHT. The Australian experience 1905–2005. Benedict AtkinsonBA (Hons) LLM (Hons I). University of Sydney. Solicitor Supreme Courts of ACT and NSW. Copyright. Published bySYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESSUniversity of Sydney Librarywww

Access to public sector information: law, technology and policy: Volume 1

ACCESS TO PUBLICSECTOR. INFORMATION: LAW,TECHNOLOGY &. POLICYVolume 1. EDITED BY BRIAN FITZGERALDBA (Griff), LLB (Hons) (QUT), BCL (Oxon), LLM (Harv), PhD. (Griff) Professor of Intellectual Property Law and Innovation(QUT Faculty of Law), Barrister,