Results that match 1 of 2 words

Copyright Law, Digital Content and the Internet in the Asia-Pacific

If we extend this logic further, he asks, ‘should we grant an intellectual prop-erty right to Amazon Books because it makes books available to the public?’ Thewebcasting treaty would extend

Access to public sector information: law, technology and policy. Volume 2

Importantly, open content licences grant users rights to doacts that fall within the scope of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights and do notimpose further (i.e. ... No Derivative Works: This licence grants baseline rights, but itdoes not allow
Unit of study_

Visual and Cultural Research Methods

As well as focusing on skills specific to writing a dissertation this course will address discipline specific forms of professional development including academic conferences, publishing and grant applications.

Transforming a University: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Practice

Allan Goody, University of Western Australia, AustraliaDr. Barbara Grant, University of Auckland, New Zealand. ... Fiona andher colleagues have been awarded several teaching grants including a Teach-ing Improvement Fund (TIF) grant; two Teaching

For the sake of a song Wangga songmen and ...

The work presented here has been supported over the years by a series of grants from the Australian Research Council, the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Studies, the ... Hong Kong Research Grants Committee, the Hans

Water Wind Art and Debate: How environmental concerns impact on disciplinary research

Water Wind Art andDebate. How environmental concerns impacton disciplinary research. Edited by Gavin Birch. Contents. Foreword v. Part 1 Legal and political issues 11 A slow burn: the emergence of climate change law in Australia 32 Global warming