
Companies are misusing our data and there's little we can do

Companies are misusing our data and there's little we can do. 27 November 2019. Australians are sceptical about how their online data is tracked. Our personal, online data is being tracked and used by tech companies, but exactly how is unclear,

Reach for the stars

16 May 2024 -
Reach for the stars. Lessons in passion and perseverance. Dr Chris Boshuizen (BSc (Hons) '00, PhD '07) is a physicist, space explorer, entrepreneur, venture capitalist and musician. His life's mission, 'to make getting to space as easy as catching a

Sydney students design smart bandage for burns

19 November 2019 -
Sydney students design smart bandage for burns. 12 June 2018. A team of undergraduate students who envisioned a new way to harness design and biotechnology, has been selected as a finalist to present at the Biodesign Challenge Summit at the Museum

Artistic Intelligence: meet Sydney's painting robot

14 October 2019 -
A University of Sydney mechanical engineering student with a passion for fine art and robotics has programmed a robot that can produce a traditional Chinese ink painting in a style known as "guóhuà".

Impact stories

Impact stories. Your support makes all the difference. Read the stories of our students and alumni who are on the path to becoming the leaders of tomorrow with the support of scholarships and bursaries.

Your next colleague might be artificial intelligence

21 February 2023 -
Most companies are likely to employ a digital human within a decade, according to researchers from the University of Sydney Business School.

Sydney Ideas

Friday July 05, 2024
Sydney Ideas is our public events program, opening up our teaching and research to the community.

Indigenous economics scholarships a first

22 March 2023 -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander economics students at the University of Sydney will be supported with scholarship for the first time with the Sandra Cadwallader Indigenous Scholarship.

Can music slow the onset of neurodegenerative disease?

12 December 2022 -
A new collaboration between the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Centre (BMC) and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (SCM) will be launched on 25 March. Together they are designing a musical intervention to help those at risk of cognitive

Legal risk in bombing Syria

Legal risk in bombing Syria. 27 August 2015. The government faces some thorny legal questions as the fight against Islamic State draws our troops towards Syria, writes Malcolm Jorgensen. Legal uncertainties loom over Syrian airstrikes. Image: