
D18: 100 Years of innovation

6 December 2019 -
A diverse range of new ideas across robotics and drones, mobile apps, 3D modelling, digital systems and wearable technology by graduating students will be

Detecting diabetes’ deadly ketones

10 December 2019 -
Detecting diabetes’ deadly ketones. 18 August 2016. A simple, hand-held breath testing device that detects deadly ketones has been developed by University of Sydney researchers. University of Sydney diabetes research - Detecting deadly ketones. A

6 things you didn’t know about sugar

Sugar you drink as a child can impact you in later life. Register for our next Sydney Health Forum.

What is mental health?

22 December 2020 -
What is mental health? 2 October 2019. October is Mental Health Month so we spoke to Dr Alyssa Milton from the Brain and Mind Centre to help unravel this very important topic. Mental health in Australia. Next time you are in a big crowd of people,

Unleashing the power of education

3 February 2023 -
Approaching his final year of the Bachelor of Economics (Advanced Studies), Cody is looking forward to graduating from university and finding a job in the finance sector. A goal that he has dreamed of since high school.

Technology fast-tracks hydrogen-fuelled future

30 November 2020 -
University of Sydney researchers have developed an efficient process to convert water into hydrogen - a breakthrough in the development of this clean energy resource.

"I'm not addicted!" Kids have a right to play - even digitally

5 August 2020 -
Children adopt the word "addicted" to describe a game as fun or to say how long they played it. But adults use it as a pathology - and that can harm kids.

Black Saturday firefighters want you to listen to them

In commemorating firefighters as heroes, we can fall into the danger of overstating their ability to control fires, absolving ourselves of responsibility, write Professor Leanne Cutcher and Dr Graham Dwyer.

Australia likely no longer key migration destination

16 December 2020 -
They are focused on fact-finding rather than forming or reinforcing opinions, which means the government has the power to shape opinion in this area in the coming months,” Associate Professor ... Unbiased method. The researchers used an innovative

How transit scaling shapes our cities

12 August 2021 -
A new study conducted by researchers from the University of Sydney reveals public transport investments in large metropolitan areas reap a better return, with more passengers adopting public transport, than those in smaller cities.