Shruti Janakiraman – Erga Omnes – The SCIL Blog

under international law, as although the majority of the ICJ refused to decide the issue in their <em>Kosovo </em>advisory opinion, Koroma J in his dissent persuasively concluded that secession

The ways the world: Implications of political donations for their integrity of planning systems

The opinions in this publication reflect the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Henry Halloran Trust, its Advisory Board or the University of Sydney. ... Opinions will differ on whether or not it is appropriate to insist that

Discovery of cell projection pumping presents new cancer target

A novel finding by a team of University of Sydney researchers has revealed a new source of cancer cell diversity, which could have profound implications for cancer treatment.

Averting Crisis: American strategy, military spending and collective defence in the Indo-Pacific | United States Studies Centre

America’s defence strategy in the Indo-Pacific is in the throes of an unprecedented crisis. Faced with an ever more capable and assertive China, the US military urgently needs to refocus on the requirements of great power competition and rebuild

 Graduate Certificate in Information Technology Management Graduate Diploma in ...

5) In exceptional circumstances the Dean may admit applicants without these qualifications who, in the opinion of the faculty, havequalifications and evidence of experience and achievement sufficient to successfully undertake the

The Australian Mathematical Society (Inc) Reports for the fifty-seventh ...

In the opinion of the Committee the Income and Expenditure Statement, Statement of FinancialPosition, and Notes to the Financial Statements:. ... error. Auditor's Responsibility. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial report based

Limit theorems for random walks on Fuchsian buildings and ...

Limit theorems for random walks on Fuchsian buildings and. Kac-Moody groups. L. Gilch S. Müller J. Parkinson†. July 27, 2015. Abstract. In this paper we prove a rate of escape theorem and a central limit theorem for isotropicrandom walks on

pone.0018491 1..6

cause of CCD. The current prevailing opinion is that colony. collapse is not a result of a single new causal factor [17].

ITF English.indd

COACHING & SPORTSCIENCE REVIEW. The Offi cial Coaching and Sport Science Publication of the International Tennis Federation. ContentsEditorial. Dave MileyExecutive Director,Tennis Development. Miguel Crespo Research Offi cer,Tennis