Assessing environmental impacts of major transport infrastructure projects: Where does human health fit?

1. Assessing environmental impacts of major transport infrastructure projects: where does human health fit? A REPORT FOR THE HENRY HALLORAN TRUST AT SYDNEY UNIVERSITY. Patrick Harris! Emily Riley Peter Sainsbury Jennifer Kent Fran Baum Anna Lane!

Cantor-winning sets and their applications Dzmitry Badziahin, Stephen Harrap ...

However,in the authors’ opinion the conditions of 0-Cantor-winning sets are easier to check yet retainthe same desirable properties.

Blog - Eggleton Group

Opinion: The current wars in the Middle East and Ukraine are changing the landscape of global stability and leading other countries to examine their own security, with emerging dual-use technology

Finding newspaper and magazine articles

Diversity of perspectives and opinions. Newspapers and magazines represent a diverse array of perspectives, as they feature articles written by journalists, experts, commentators, and individuals with first-hand experience in various

Dr Nick Fuller: 5 reasons diets don’t work, and what to do instead

At the heart of International No Diet Day is the celebration of a healthy lifestyle, body acceptance and self-love. Leading obesity researcher Dr Nick Fuller shares his expert opinion on why you should ditch fad diets for good.

MELSELF project - Faculty of Medicine and Health

to do total body skin self-examination, with fast access to a dermatologist’s opinion on anything found.