Unit of study_

Japanese 5

Students will be expected to achieve the following linguistic skills: switch to appropriate speech style in formal and informal situations; express opinions and thoughts; write about 350 kanji and recognise at
Research opportunities_

Referral practices of allied health and medical professionals for people with musculoskeletal conditions

A physiotherapist might refer a patient with knee osteoarthritis to an orthopaedic surgeon for an opinion or, conversely, an orthopaedic surgeon might refer a patient to a physiotherapist or exercise physiologist ... opinions of both current practice,

Australian Social Attitudes IV

opinion about important topics confronting Australian politics and society. ... opinion about important topics confronting Australian politics and society.}, address = {Sydney}, author = {Wilson, S.

Animal Welfare in Australia

He explores the history of animal welfare in Australia, examines public opinion and media coverage of key issues, and comprehensively maps the policy domain.

Ending War, Building Peace

Pe-riodic inquests are convened, usually by means of the stupidaggregate of the opinion poll, to express concern about apathyand depoliticization, but it’s more consoling to assume thatpeople’s immense
Unit of study_

Japanese 8

In communication students will practice expressing their opinions on various Japanese social issues through group discussions.

Alexander Mackie: An Academic Life

Alexander MackieAn Academic Life. Alexander MackieAn Academic Life. Geoffrey Sherington. Copyright. First published in 2019 by the University of Sydney.Publication of this book was funded from the Gerald and Gwenda Fischer Bequest. Geoffrey

Night Skies of Aboriginal Australia: A Noctuary

Night Skies ofAboriginal Australia. A Noctuary. Dianne Johnson. Copyright. Originally published in 1998 by Oceania Publications. This reprint edition published in 2014 by SYDNEY UNIVERSITY PRESS. Sydney University Press 2014. Reproduction and

Removing the emperor’s clothes

Removing theemperor’s clothes. Australia and tobacco plain packaging. Simon Chapman and Becky Freeman. First published by Sydney University Press Simon Chapman and Becky Freeman 2014 Sydney University Press 2014. Reproduction and Communication for