One Planet, One Health

One Planet, One Health. PUBLIC AND SOCIAL POLICY SERIES. Marian Baird and Gaby Ramia, Series Editors. The Public and Social Policy series publishes books that posechallenging questions about policy from national, comparative andinternational

Port Essington cover

Port Essington. The historical archaeology of a north Australiannineteenth century military outpost. Jim Allen. Studies in Australasian Historical ArchaeologyVolume 1. Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology. Published bySYDNEY UNIVERSITY

Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons

Open Content Licensing:Cultivating the Creative Commons. Principal EditorProfessor Brian FitzgeraldHead of School of Law,. Queensland University of Technology,Australia. With the assistance ofJessica Coates and Suzanne Lewis. List of Contributors.
Unit of study_

Communication in Economics

Concepts in critical analysis will provide the basis for improved persuasive communication, including the difference between convention, fact, opinion and preference; deductive and inductive proof; validity and truth; evidence; and the
Unit of study_

Online Journalism

It is a practical unit involving writing exercises in different genres, including feature and opinion pieces.

A P P E N D I X 3 ...

and spinifex) in the swales. As mentioned above, there are differences of opinion about the relatedness of Nyiyaparli and Wati, the language spo-ken by Western Desert peoples.

On Aboriginal Religion

One, in my opinion, is an uncertainty or ambiva-lence in direction which developed over the course of writing of the essays. ... considerable(though it is his opinion that the intuition of moral freedom or perfectibility is aneven greater one, page 145);

Communities and change: selected papers

Communities andchange: selected papers. Edited byDorothy Bottrell and Gabrielle Meagher. Contents. Title Page iiiContributors viPreface xiiiIntroduction. Gabrielle Meagher and Dorothy Bottrell xv. Supporting change for disadvantaged communities 11.

Future directions in literacy: international conversations conference 2007

Papers reflect the authors’opinions and their inclusion in this publication does not necessarily constitute en-dorsement by the editor. ... Or a new house? In making the impending urban change the object of classroom study, Wellsrecognises that

Fighting nature: travelling menageries, animal acts and war shows

Fighting Nature. ANIMAL PUBLICSMelissa Boyde & Fiona Probyn-Rapsey, SeriesEditors. Other titles in the series:. Animal deathEd. Jay Johnston & Fiona Probyn-Rapsey. Animals in the Anthropocene: critical perspectives on non-humanfuturesEd. The Human