Legal Framework for e-Research: Realising the Potential

Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for EuropeanResearch. The Digital Repository Infrastructure Vision for European Research (DRIVER)project is of the opinion that ‘any form of scientific-content resource … shouldbe freely accessible
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Japanese Society

Students will develop their own opinions on a range of social and cultural issues while improving their reading, analytical, and both oral and written communication skills.
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Public Opinion and Voting in the U.S.

Public Opinion and Voting in the U.S. - USSC3601. Year - 2023.
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Japanese 5

Students will be expected to achieve the following linguistic skills: switch to appropriate speech style in formal and informal situations; express opinions and thoughts; write about 350 kanji and recognise at
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Japanese 7

In communication students will practice expressing their opinions on various Japanese social issues through group discussions.

Markets, Rights and Power in Australian Social Policy

Markets, Rights andPower in Australian. Social Policy. PUBLIC AND SOCIAL POLICY SERIES. Marian Baird and Gaby Ramia, Series Editors. Markets, Rights andPower in Australian. Social PolicyEdited by Gabrielle Meagher and. Susan Goodwin. First published

The True History of Copyright: The Australian Experience 1905–2005

In-evitably my opinions and prejudices influenced the narrative. My view, arising out of my findings, is that the copyright term is grosslyexcessive. ... In the intervening two decades,however, the weight of opinion concerning copyright regulation had

Customary Marine Tenure in Australia

Customary marinetenure in Australia. Edited by Nicolas Peterson and BruceRigsby. Contents. Title Page iiiList of Figures viNote to the 2014 edition. Peter White viiiPreface. Nicolas Peterson and Bruce Rigsby ix. 1. IntroductionNicolas Peterson and
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Contemporary Issues in Auditing

Auditor's duties and responsibilities are considered before moving to planning the audit, performing the audit and arriving at an audit opinion.

Copyright Future Copyright Freedom: Marking the 40 Year Anniversary of the Commencement of Australia’s Copyright Act 1968

19 993 UNTS 1453 (1976).Article 191. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.2. ... Article 191. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.2.