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NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Colquhoun, D; Soderberg, S; Kirby, A; Keech, A; Simes, J; Hague, W; Hamilton-Craig, I; Tonkin, A.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Tarnow-Mordi, W. Stenson, B. Kirby, A. NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, 2016  DOI:10.1056/NEJMc1604023.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Kirby, A; Simes, J; Pater, H; Keech, A; Hunt, D; White, H; West, M; Nestel, P; Tonkin, A; for the LIPID Study Investigators,.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Brighton, TA; Eikelboom, JW; Mister, R; Hague, W; Chinchen, S; Kirby, A; Gallus, A; Ockelford, P; Baker, R; Coughlin, P; Gibbs, H; Becattini, C; Agnelli, G; Prandoni, P; Simes, RJ.

The Univ ersi ty o f Sy dney Asso ...

The. Univ. ersi. ty o. f Sy. dney. Asso. ciat. e Pr. ofes. sor. Jane. And. rew. , Dr. Max. Bak. er a. nd. Dr P. hilip. Rob. erts. 2016. sydn. ey.e. du.a. u. Priso. n Pr. ivatis. atio. n in. Aus. tral. ia:. The. Stat. e of. the. Nat. ion. Prison