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Core Research Facilities Capabilities overview We recognise and pay ...

Working with researchers from Sydney's School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Australian National University, Kirby Institute and University of California San Diego, they showed that these novel molecules potently inhibited

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Simes, J; Kirby, A; Colquhoun, D; Hunt, D; Keech, A; Pater, H; Hague, W; White, H; Shaw, J; Tonkin, A.

Page 1 22nd Bien nial C onfer ence of ...

Page. 1. 22nd. Bien. nial C. onfer. ence. of th. e Asia. n Stud. ies A. ssoc. iation. of A. ustra. lia. Area. Stu. dies. and. Bey. ond. 22nd. Bie. nnia. l Con. fere. nce. of th. e As. ian. Stud. ies. Asso. ciat. ion. of A. ustr. alia. (ASA. A). 3 -.

Swimmers perform well at Speedo Cup - Sydney Uni Sport

Jono Newton Open 50m Freestyle Gold. Ashley Kirby Open 50m Backstroke Silver. ... Name Age Team. 2 Kirby, Ashley 21 SYDU 30.88S F. Women 10&U 100 Breast.

NHMRC Clinical Trial Centre | Improving Health Outcomes

Simes, J.; Hunt, D.; Hague, W.; Kirby, A.; Newman, P.; Bradfield, R.; Friedlander, D.; Colquhoun, D.; MacMahon, S.; West, M.; White, H.; Tonkin, A.; on behalf of the LIPID Study Investigators,.