Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Conducting Scholarship - Scholarships

Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Conducting Scholarship

A scholarship in choral music and conducting

A scholarship to participate in the promotion and development of choral music and choral conducting in Australia.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
  • Australian citizen
  • Participating in promotion and development of Australian choral music as choral conductor
  • Must be aged up to 35 years 

16 May 2024


29 May 2024


How to apply

Apply here.


This scholarship value and duration will be determined by the Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and will be stipulated in the Scholarship Offer Letter to the recipient(s).

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be an Australian Citizen
  • be participating in the promotion and development of Australian choral music as a choral conductor 
  • be aged up to 35 years at the closing date of applications. 


The Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Conducting Scholarship has been established to support people participating in the promotion and development of choral music and choral conducting in Australia through programs and activities conducted by the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

The scholarship is funded by the Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Grant.    

1. Background

a. The Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Conducting Scholarship has been established to support people participating in the promotion and development of choral music and choral conducting in Australia through programs and activities conducted by the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

b. The scholarship is funded by the Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation Grant.

2. Eligibility

a. This Scholarship is offered subject to the applicants participating in the promotion and development of choral music and choral conducting in Australia through programs and activities conducted by the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at the University of Sydney.

b. Applications are not limited to students or graduates of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.

c. Applicants must be Australian Citizens.

d. Applicants must be aged up to 35 years at the closing date of applications.

3. Selection Criteria

a. The Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of:

I. curriculum vitae, 
II. an outline of a proposed plan of study,
III. video(s) of one or more choir rehearsals, and/or
IV. a performance with the applicant as a conductor that does not exceed thirty minutes.

b. The Scholarship will be awarded by a selection committee consisting of:

I. Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Chair), and
II. two trustees of the Sydney Symposium Choral Foundation.

4. Value

a. The Scholarship value and duration will be determined by the Dean of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and will be stipulated in the Scholarship Offer Letter to the recipient(s).

b. The scholarship will be paid on receipt of the Scholarship Acceptance Form and a detailed study plan.

c. Deferral and/or suspension of the Scholarship is not permitted.

d. The Scholarship will be offered subject to the availability of funds.

e. No other amount is payable.

5. Termination

a. The Scholarship will be terminated if the recipient:

I. does not participate in the promotion and development of choral music and choral conducting in Australia through programs and activities conducted by the Sydney Conservatorium of Music at the University of Sydney,
II. maintain satisfactory performance, or
III. is determined by the University to be guilty of serious misconduct, including, but not limited to, having provided false or misleading information as part of their Scholarship application.

b. Once the Scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to University error.  

c. Where a recipient is found guilty of serious misconduct or the Scholarship is terminated under any instance in the Termination Clause of these terms and conditions, the University reserves the right to request that any Scholarship funds paid to the Scholarship recipient be reimbursed.