The Bill and Meila Hutchinson Scholarship - Scholarships

The Bill and Meila Hutchinson Scholarship

An undergraduate scholarship

Up to $8,500 p.a. scholarships to support undergraduate students at the Faculty of  Engineering and Faculty of Medicine and Health.


Value Eligibility Open date Close date
$8,500 p.a. for up to a maximum of 5 years.
  • Domestic student enrolled in an engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree
  • Must have applied for admission to your undergraduate degree through UAC
  • When you applied for admission through UAC, you must have resided in an area listed in the bottom 25 percent of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation (IEO).

How to apply

All MySydney Scholarship recipients who are eligible for this scholarship will be automatically considered. No additional application is required. Recipients will be notified after census date of Semester 1, 2025.


$8,500 per year for the published full-time duration of the recipient's engineering or medicine and health undergraduate (single or combined) degree up to a maximum total duration of 5 years full-time or part-time equivalent.

In addition, recipients will receive:

  1. Support through the transition from school to university through the University of Sydney Preparation for Sydney Uni program.
  2. Annual payment of University of Sydney Union (USU) Rewards Membership for the duration of the MySydney Scholarship.
  3. Access to the Vice Chancellor’s Global Mobility Award, valued up to AUD 5,000 for eligible exchange programs.
  4. Eligibility to apply for additional accommodation scholarships.
  5. Access to the alumni and industry mentoring program in the final year of study.

Who's eligible

You must:

  • be a domestic student enrolled in an engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney as defined in the Coursework Policy 2021.
  • have applied for admission to your undergraduate degree through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).
  • have resided in an area listed in the bottom 25 percent of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation (IEO) when you applied for admission through UAC.*
  • not have been enrolled in an undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney prior to enrolment in your current undergraduate degree
  • not have been enrolled in an undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney in the preceding year of your current undergrdauate degree admission via UAC.

*The low socioeconomic status (low SES) is based on assigning students' address, as they have entered it into UAC to an Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2016 SA1, with the SES value derived from the ABSs' SocioEconomic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation (IEO) for SA1 areas. This address is geocoded to the appropriate SA1. SA1s in the bottom 25% of the population are classified as low SES.


The purpose of the MySydney Scheme and The Bill and Meila Hutchinson Scholarship is to address the educational disadvantage experienced by people living in areas affected by socio-economic disadvantage, by facilitating and supporting their participation in University of Sydney engineering or medicine and health courses. 

The purpose of the MySydney Scheme and The Bill and Meila Hutchinson Scholarship is to address the educational disadvantage experienced by people living in areas affected by socio-economic disadvantage, by facilitating and supporting their participation in University of Sydney engineering or medicine and health courses. 

1. Eligibility criteria

Applicant who:

a. is a domestic applicant enrolled in an engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney as defined in the Coursework Policy 2021.

b. applied for admission to the engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC).

c. when applied for admission through UAC resided in an area listed in the bottom 25 percent of the Australian Bureau of Statistics Socio-Economic Index for Areas (SEIFA) Index of Education and Occupation (IEO), based on the address they provided to UAC.

d. did not hold enrolment in an undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney prior to enrolment in the engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree.

e. was not enrolled in an undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney in the preceding year of their current engineering or medicine and health admission application via UAC.

2. Selection criteria

a. The scholarship is offered to students with the highest Australian Teritary Admission Rank (ATAR) who meet the eligibility criteria. Students will be offered the scholarship in the following order of priority:

i. studying engineering from a remote location in Australia,

ii. studying engineering from a regional location in Australia,

iii. studying engineering from Western Sydney,

iv. studying medicine or health from a remote location in Australia,

v. studying medicine or health from a regional location in Australia, and

vi. studying medicine or health from Western Sydney.

b. A separate scholarship application is not required. 

3. Value

a. The scholarship provides a cash payment of AUD$8,500 per year and is tenable for the published full-time duration of the recipient’s undergraduate (single or combined) degree up to a maximum total duration of 5 years full-time study or part-time equivalent.

b. The annual amount will be paid in three instalments during the first year of enrolment:

i. an initial instalment of $1,000 will be paid within two weeks before commencement of the first semester; 

ii. a second instalment of $3,250 will be paid within 30 days after census date of the first semester;

iii. a third instalment of $4,250 will be paid within 30 days after census date of the second semester. 

c. For the remaining tenure of the scholarship, the annual amount will be paid in two equal instalments of $4,250 within 30 days after the census dates of first semester and second semester. 

d. The scholarship does not cover appended Honours degrees.

e. The scholarship does not cover any postgraduate studies, such as a Master of Nursing or Doctor of Medicine, even if taken as part of a vertically integrated combined degree.

4. Ongoing eligibility 

To continue receipt of the scholarship, the recipient must: 

a. continue to meet the progression requirements for their course in each relevant teaching period;   

b. remain enrolled in an engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney after relevant census dates in each relevant teaching period; and

c. if undertaking an exchange program during the tenure of the Scholarship, achieve a ‘Satisfied Requirements’ (SR) grade.

5. Part-time study

a. The scholarship can be held whilst studying part time, subject to meeting ongoing requirements of the recipient’s course.

b. Recipients will receive 50% of the full-time payment of the scholarship if they enrol part-time (less than 18 credit points) in a semester.

6. Deferral and suspension

a. Deferral of the scholarship is permitted for up to two semesters provided the recipient obtains approval from the University to defer their degree.

b. Suspension of the scholarship is permitted for up to two semesters provided the recipient is permitted to, or obtains approval to, suspend their degree.

c. Requests for deferral or suspension of the scholarship for more than two semesters will be considered, and if appropriate approved, on a case-by-case basis by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) or their nominee.

d. The recipient must contact the Scholarships Office at least two months before the end of their deferral or suspension period to request reinstatement of the scholarship. Failing to do so may result in the scholarship being terminated. 

7. Transfer of degree

a. The scholarship is transferable to another engineering or medicine and health undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney, provided the recipient obtains approval from the University to transfer.

8. Privacy

a. Personal information about recipients collected by the University will be managed in accordance with the University’s privacy obligations. See our Privacy webpage for more information.

b. As part of your scholarship, your name, SID and University email address will be shared with University of Sydney Union (USU) and Sydney University Sport & Fitness (SUSF) to provide you with opportunities at a free or discounted rate, should you choose to activate this.

c. To monitor your academic progress and support your success, metrics about you will be collected, linked and used throughout your association with the University. This information will also be used to help improve the MySydney program delivery. Your information will be used to help the University make better decisions regarding your learning experience and outcomes and to help improve student services and academic excellence. Analytics may also be used to offer you personalised services and support. MySydney scholarship recipients who do not meet or are identified as being at risk of not meeting academic progression requirements may be contacted by the University to offer academic and other student support services.

9. Termination

a. The scholarship may be terminated if a recipient:

i. withdraws from an eligible award course or fails to enrol;

ii. does not meet the eligibility or ongoing eligibility criteria for the scholarship;

iii. unless approval is granted by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor or their nominee, is a holder of an alternative scholarship administered by the University valued at $8,500 or more per year, excluding accommodation, tuition fee offset or exchange scholarships; 

iv. fails to enrol at the end of permitted or approved deferral or suspension; 

v. exceeds the maximum total duration of study supported by the Scholarship; or

vi. is found guilty of misconduct.

b. Once the scholarship has been terminated, it will not be reinstated unless due to administrative error.