Managing your Dalyell status - The University of Sydney
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Dalyell Scholars

Managing your Dalyell status

Choosing your Dalyell units

You will need to complete 12 credit points of Dalyell units to satisfy the Dalyell stream requirements and graduate as a Dalyell Scholar at the completion of your degree. Dalyell units are interdisciplinary, will add depth and breadth to your degree and are designed to help you develop the University's graduate qualities to a high level.

Dalyell units typically replace electives in your degree structure. The units can be taken at any time during your degree, depending on how you choose to structure your course. In most three-year courses you'll take the units in the first, second or third year, but in longer courses such as those in the Faculty of Engineering, you might take them towards the end of your studies. It is important to speak with your Dalyell Academic Lead and Faculty support team for any additional requirements specific to your needs.

We recommend you aim to take the units early in your degree where possible, to avoid enrolment constraints when you reach your final year. If you have space in your degree, it is possible to take additional Dalyell units instead of other electives.

You can find the list of available Dalyell units in the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook. You can complete any unit in the Dalyell table, and are encouraged to consider units offered by other faculties as well as your own. You need to be enrolled in the Dalyell stream to be able to take these units.

You will select your Dalyell units when enrolling in your course.

Acceleration and enrichment units

As a Dalyell Scholar, you may have early access to accelerated units of study in your chosen field and enrichment units outside of your discipline that enhance the depth and breadth of your study.

Acceleration units count towards fulfilling your program, major(s) or minor(s) requirements, but don't count towards fulfilling your 12 credit points of Dalyell units. Your Dalyell coordinator can guide you on acceleration opportunities available.

Enrichment units give you access to units outside your area of study and up to two years beyond your current level of enrolment. You don't need to have completed prerequisites for these units. You can select enrichment units from the list available in the Dalyell section of the Interdisciplinary Studies Handbook.

You enrol in enrichment units like any other units, but when you do so, you will be prompted to submit an enrolment exception request.

Progressing through the Dalyell stream

As a Dalyell Scholar you are expected to maintain a cross-semester average mark (CSAM) of 75 for every full-time year you study (or equivalent).

If you don’t achieve a mark of 75 your Dalyell coordinator will arrange to meet with you to discuss the circumstances. This may result in you being removed from the Dalyell stream. If you are removed from the Dalyell stream your completed Dalyell units will still count towards fulfilling your degree requirements as elective units of study, and your enrolment in your course will not be at risk.

If you are removed from the Dalyell stream and have already completed at least 6 credit points of Dalyell units, you will not be required to complete 6 credit points of Open Learning Environment units (OLE units). If you are removed from the Dalyell stream because you did not maintain the CSAM requirement, you will not be permitted to re-enter.

Extenuating circumstances

In some cases, you may experience genuine extenuating circumstances that mean you're unable to maintain the mark required to remain in the Dalyell stream. If you find yourself in this situation, you may be able to outline your circumstances and demonstrate reasons why you should remain in the stream.

Extenuating circumstances include situations unforeseeable and beyond your reasonable control, such as unexpected, serious or long-term illness or misadventure impacting your ability to engage appropriately with your studies. Extenuating circumstances don’t include the demands of employers, pressure of employment or time devoted to non-University activities, unless these instances are relevant to serious ill health or misadventure.

You may experience extenuating circumstances despite accessing the appropriate support systems available at the University and resulting adjustments, for example special consideration and arrangements or Inclusion and Disability Services.

If you feel that your performance in the Dalyell stream was significantly affected by extenuating circumstances, you should make an appointment with your Dalyell faculty lead as soon as possible. You'll need to provide any supporting documents that demonstrate your circumstances.

Following your appointment, your case will be discussed with your faculty or school's Associate Dean.

Opting out of the Dalyell stream

If you decide you no longer want to participate in the Dalyell stream, you can opt out through Sydney Student. Go to 'Course details' then 'Request to opt out of Dalyell Scholars'. Additionally, if you are considering opting out, we recommend that you don't enrol in any Dalyell units of study, and that you contact your Dalyell coordinator to discuss the process before you elect to opt out.

If you choose to opt out from the Dalyell stream, you will not be permitted to re-enter, however if you have completed Dalyell units then these will count towards your degree as elective units of study.

Recognising your Dalyell status when you graduate

If you complete the graduation requirements for your degree, including all Dalyell requirements, when you graduate, your academic transcript and your degree certificate (testamur) will recognise your Dalyell Scholar status. If you are graduating with a double degree, your Dalyell scholar status will only be awarded once.

If you complete the graduation requirements for your degree but do not satisfy the requirements of the Dalyell stream, you will still graduate with your degree, but you will not be awarded the Dalyell stream on your degree certificate (testamur).

Guide for Dalyell Scholars

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Last updated: 10 March 2025

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