Professor Agnieszka Tymula
Professor Tymula is the Director of the University of Sydney Node ofARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course, President of the Society for Neuroeconomics, Chief Investigator on the ICRG Centre of Excellence for Research on Gambling, co-Director of theNeuroeconomics Summer School, Director of the University of Sydney Experimental Economics laboratory. In 2020-2023 she was an elected Executive Committee member of theEconomic Science Association and in 2019-2021 she was an elected Board Member of the Society for Neuroeconomics. Prof. Tymula is on the editorial board of Experimental Economics.
- Behavioural Economics
- Neuroeconomics
- Experimental Economics
Hyundam Je (2023 - )
Jonathan Levy (2022- )
Xueting Wang, University of Sydney (completed: 2021)
Vinyak Alladi, University of Sydney (completed: 2022)
Franziska Tausch, University of Sydney (2017-2019)
Jerome Sidney Campos, University of Sydney (Economics, in progress)
Alexander Svenson, University of Sydney (Economics, in progress)
Xueting Wang, University of Sydney (Economics, completed: 2021)
Hui-Kuan Chung, New York University (Psychology, completed: 2018)
Ange Weinrabe, University of Sydney (graduate, Brain and Mind Institute, completed: 2019)
Julie Guo, Univesity of Sydney (Master in Economic Analysis, completed: 2018)
Xueting Wang, University of Sydney (Master in Economic Analysis, completed: 2017)
Chiara Pastore, University of York (visiting student, Economics, completed: 2016)
Undergraduate honours
Zhenlin Kang (undergraduate, Economics, 2020)
Mahdi Akbari (undergraduate, Economics, 2020)
Chi Kit Wong (undergraduate, Economics, 2019)
Tim Robinson, University of Sydney (undergraduate, Economics, completed: 2018)
Robert Avery, University of Sydney (undergraduate, Economics, completed: 2017)
Jackson Whitehair, University of Sydney (undergraduate, Economics, completed: 2014)
Undergraduate honours
Arquette Byrne (2023)
Olivia Ru (2023)
Emily Shaw (2022)
Alex Berger (2021)
Lucas Philips (2021)
Jacob Patrick Dooley (2021)
Zhenlin Kang (2020)
Mahdi Akbari (2020)
Chi Kit Wong (2019)
Tim Robinson (2018)
Robert Avery (2017)
Jackson Whitehair (2014)
Lexin Liang (Dalyell scholar, Psychology and Neuroscience, 2021)
Mentor in the Summer Undergraduate Research Program at New York University in 2011 and in 2012
Society for Neuroeconomics President (2022-2023)
ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course, Director of the University of Sydney node and Chief Investigator (2020-2026)
ICRG Centre of Excellence in Research on Gambling, Chief Investigator (2023-2026)
Experimental Economics, Editorial Board
University of Sydney Experimental Economics Laboratory, Director
New York University Institute for Interdisciplinary Study of Decision Making, Visiting Affiliated Faculty (since January 2014)
Neuroeconomics Summer School, Co-director
2020-2026 Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course, $32,137,007
2019-2021 Discovery Project Grant, (sole Chief Investigator),Neuroeconomic foundations of probability and value perception, $378,000
2019 Supervisor of the Year, University of Sydney
2016 Linkage Project, Round 1, Australian Research Council (ARC) "The Altruism of the Arts Customer: Evidence from the Sydney Opera House", $293,000.
2017 Society for Neuroeconomics Early Career Award
2015 Discovery Early Career Researcher Award, Australian Research Council (ARC) "Economic Analysis of Peer Effects in Adolescence and Adulthood", $378,000.
2014 Science of Philanthropy Initiative Partnership Awardto Dr Tymula, Prof Slonim and the Sydney Opera House (from the University of Chicago and Templeton Foundation)
Project title | Research student |
Neuroeconomic/computational markers of depression | Alexander SVENSON |
Book Chapters
- Tymula, A. (2019). Brain Morphometry for Economists: How do Brain Volume Constraints Affect Our Choices? In Gigi Foster (Eds.), Biophysical Measurement in Experimental Social Science Research: Theory and Practice, (pp. 31-45). London: Academic Press. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Glimcher, P. (2018). How are Emotions Integrated into Choice? In Fox, A. S., Lapate, R. C., Shackman, A. J. & Davidson, R. J. (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions, (pp. 338-343). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Tymula, A. (2017). Tolerance for Ambiguity. In Fathali M. Moghaddam (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, (pp. 838-840). USA: Sage Publications, Inc. [More Information]
- Kettlewell, N., Tymula, A. (2024). Heritability across different domains of trust. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 219, 549-563. [More Information]
- Kettlewell, N., Rdijk, F., Siribaddana, S., Sumathipala, A., Tymula, A., Zavos, H., Glozier, N. (2024). Natural disaster and risk preferences: evidence from Sri Lankan twins. Applied Economics, 56(5), 558-581. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Wang, X., Imaizumi, Y., Kawai, T., Kunimatsu, J., Matsumoto, M., Yamada, H. (2023). Dynamic prospect theory: Two core decision theories coexist in the gambling behavior of monkeys and humans. Science Advances, 9(20). [More Information]
- Kettlewell, N., Tymula, A. (2024). Heritability across different domains of trust. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 219, 549-563. [More Information]
- Kettlewell, N., Rdijk, F., Siribaddana, S., Sumathipala, A., Tymula, A., Zavos, H., Glozier, N. (2024). Natural disaster and risk preferences: evidence from Sri Lankan twins. Applied Economics, 56(5), 558-581. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Wang, X., Imaizumi, Y., Kawai, T., Kunimatsu, J., Matsumoto, M., Yamada, H. (2023). Dynamic prospect theory: Two core decision theories coexist in the gambling behavior of monkeys and humans. Science Advances, 9(20). [More Information]
- Pastore, C., Schurer, S., Tymula, A., Fuller, N., Caterson, I. (2023). Economic Preferences and Obesity: Evidence from a Clinical Lab-in-Field Experiment. Health Economics, 32(9), 1885-2170. [More Information]
- Glimcher, P., Tymula, A. (2023). Expected Subjective Value Theory (ESVT): A representation of decision under risk and certainty. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 207, 110-128. [More Information]
- Imaizumi, Y., Tymula, A., Tsubo, Y., Matsumoto, M., Yamada, H. (2022). A neuronal prospect theory model in the brain reward circuitry. Nature Communications, 13(5855), 1-11. [More Information]
- Berger, A., Tymula, A. (2022). Controlling ambiguity: The illusion of control in choice under risk and ambiguity. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 65(3), 261-284. [More Information]
- Cheung, S., Tymula, A., Wang, X. (2022). Present bias for monetary and dietary rewards. Experimental Economics, 25, 1202-1233. [More Information]
- Heger, S., Slonim, R., Tausch, F., Tymula, A. (2021). Altruism among consumers as donors. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 189, 611-622. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Wang, X. (2021). Increased risk-taking, not loss tolerance, drives adolescents' propensity to choose risky prospects more often under peer observation. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 188, 439-457. [More Information]
- Kettlewell, N., Tymula, A. (2021). The Australian Twins Economic Preferences Survey. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 24(6), 365-370. [More Information]
- Weinrabe, A., Chung, H., Tymula, A., Tran, J., Hickie, I. (2020). Economic rationality in youth with emerging mood disorders. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 13(3), 164-177. [More Information]
- Gainsbury, S., Black, N., Blaszczynski, A., Callaghan, S., Clancey, G., Starcevic, V., Tymula, A. (2020). Reducing Internet Gambling Harms Using Behavioural Science: A Stakeholder Framework. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 598589. [More Information]
- Chung, H., Glimcher, P., Tymula, A. (2019). An Experimental Comparison of Risky and Riskless Choice - Limitations of Prospect Theory and Expected Utility Theory. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 11(3), 34-67. [More Information]
- Tymula, A. (2019). An experimental study of adolescent behavior under peer observation: Adolescents are more impatient and inconsistent, not more risk-taking, when observed by peers. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 166, 735-750. [More Information]
- Tymula, A. (2019). Brain Morphometry for Economists: How do Brain Volume Constraints Affect Our Choices? In Gigi Foster (Eds.), Biophysical Measurement in Experimental Social Science Research: Theory and Practice, (pp. 31-45). London: Academic Press. [More Information]
- Yamada, H., Louie, K., Tymula, A., Glimcher, P. (2018). Free choice shapes normalized value signals in medial orbitofrontal cortex. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1-11. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Glimcher, P. (2018). How are Emotions Integrated into Choice? In Fox, A. S., Lapate, R. C., Shackman, A. J. & Davidson, R. J. (Eds.), The Nature of Emotion: Fundamental questions, (pp. 338-343). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Tymula, A., Whitehair, J. (2018). Young adults gamble less when observed by peers. Journal of Economic Psychology, 68, 1-15. [More Information]
- Tymula, A. (2017). Competitive Screening of a Heterogeneous Labor Force and Corporate Teamwork Attitude. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 173(3), 523-547. [More Information]
- Glimcher, P., Tymula, A. (2017). Let the sunshine in? The effects of luminance on economic preferences, choice consistency and dominance violations. PloS One, 12(8), 1-26. [More Information]
- Chung, H., Tymula, A., Glimcher, P. (2017). The Reduction of Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Grey Matter Volume Correlates with Loss of Economic Rationality in Aging. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(49), 12068-12077. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Plassmann, H. (2016). Context-dependency in valuation. Current opinion in neurobiology, 40, 59-65. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Woelbert, E., Glimcher, P. (2016). Flexible Valuations for Consumer Goods as Measured by the Becker-DeGroot-Marschak Mechanism. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics, 9(2), 65-77. [More Information]
- Grubb, M., Tymula, A., Gilaie-Dotan, S., Glimcher, P., Levy, I. (2016). Neuroanatomy accounts for age-related changes in risk preferences. Nature Communications, 7, 1-5. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Glimcher, P. (2015). Are Adolescents Really Risk-Takers? Most Adults Say YES, but the Science is Starting to Say NO. Frontiers for Young Minds, 3(3), 1-5. [More Information]
- Gilaie-Dotan, S., Tymula, A., Cooper, N., Kable, J., Glimcher, P., Levy, I. (2014). Neuroanatomy Predicts Individual Risk Attitudes. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(37), 12394-12401. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Rosenberg Belmaker, L., Ruderman, L., Glimcher, P., Levy, I. (2013). Like cognitive function, decision making across the life span shows profound age-related changes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(42), 17143-17148. [More Information]
- Großer, J., Reuben, E., Tymula, A. (2013). Political Quid Pro Quo Agreements: An Experimental Study. American Journal of Political Science, 57(3), 582-597. [More Information]
- Yamada, H., Tymula, A., Louie, K., Glimcher, P. (2013). Thirst-dependent risk preferences in monkeys identify a primitive form of wealth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(39), 15788-15793. [More Information]
- Tymula, A., Rosenberg Belmaker, L., Roy, A., Ruderman, L., Manson, K., Glimcher, P., Levy, I. (2012). Adolescents' Risk-Taking Behavior is Driven by Tolerance to Ambiguity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(42), 17135-17140. [More Information]
- Kuhnen, C., Tymula, A. (2012). Feedback, Self-Esteem and Performance in Organizations. Management Science, 58(1), 94-113. [More Information]
- Levy, I., Rosenberg Belmaker, L., Manson, K., Tymula, A., Glimcher, P. (2012). Measuring the Subjective Value of Risky and Ambiguous Options using Experimental Economics and Functional MRI Methods. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 67, 1-8. [More Information]
Selected Grants
- Multidisciplinary analysis of financial reference points and wellbeing, Tymula A, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)
- Capacity Building Award (Agnieszka Tymula) - ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (Life Course Centre) seed funding, Tymula A, Australian Research Council (ARC)/ARC Centres of Excellence
- Optimising voluntary engagement with technology-based tools to prevent and reduce gambling harms, Gainsbury S, Tymula A, Cobb-Clark D, Gozman D, International Center for Responsible Gaming (ICRG)/Center of Excellence Grant in Gambling Research
Keynote/Plenary Talks
Sept. 2023 International Symposium for Wellbeing and Agency – Integration of Brain Science and Social Science, Kyoto University
Oct. 2023 Neuroeconomics Symposium, Tsukuba University
July 2023 Behavioural Game Theory workshop, University of East Anglia
Jun. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Finance, Sofia, Bulgaria
Nov. 2022 5th Annual conference on Neuroaccounting and Neuromanagement , Beijing Normal University and the University of Xiamen
Jun. 2021 Düsseldorf Decision Making Symposium, Düsseldorf, Germany
Nov. 2018 Australia New Zealand Workshop in Experimental Economics, Auckland, New Zealand
Sep. 2018 13th Nordic Conference in Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Odense, Denmark
Apr. 2018 Virginia Tech University Public Lecture at the Workshop on Advances in Decision Theory
Feb. 2018 Asia-Pacific Economic Science Association Meetings, Brisbane, Australia
Feb. 2018 Society for Experimental Finance Meeting, Brisbane, Australia
Sep. 2017 European Economic Science Association Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria
In the media
To learn about Agnieszka's research in the media, visit her personal webpage: