Research projects - Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Our research
Research areas
Research centres institutes and groups
Research impact
Research projects
Sport, Movement And Social & Human Development
Teacher Quality
Global perspectives on economic policy
International Digital Policy Observatory Project
Research projects
Exploring the challenges of tomorrow, today
Our research projects investigate real-world issues through the lens of humanities and social sciences at a local, national and international scale.
Latest research projects
Corridor Cultures
Schools should be places where everyone can be themselves and feel like they belong. Corridor Cultures aims to understand school cultures of gender and sexuality, and how these can affirm or marginalise students.
Mapping Interdisciplinary Expertise
A research program investigating how research communities create interdisciplinary knowledge, how interdisciplinary teams learn, and what it takes for individuals to tackle interdisciplinary challenges.
Emerging online safety issues
Our researchers are working alongside young people to co-design and produce social media safety videos for Instagram and TikTok.
Modern Monarchy in Global Perspective Research Hub
Our research hub brings together researchers from universities, museums, galleries and heritage sites interested in the history of modern monarchy and its global impact.
Sydney Games and Play Lab
People in Australia and all over the world are playing games now more than ever. The Sydney Games and Play Lab brings together researchers studying their use, design and impact to offer new insights into this emerging media.
More research in action
Against the odds: Wellbeing amongst Indigenous youth in the Northern Territory
Ancient North Africa Research Network
Angkor Research Program
Buddhist Texts Research Collaboration
Experimental Economics Group
Global Perspectives on Economic Policy
Indigenous Research Collaboration
Laureate Research Program in International History
Living with Diabetes: CALD Groups in Western Sydney
Low-income Renters and Solar Energy
Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture
Motivation, Engagement and Individual Choice Pathways
Multilingual Australia
Pannonia Project
Screening the World Research Group
Silk Road Studies
Research with impact
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