Dr Alan Cholodenko

Dr Alan Cholodenko

BA (Princeton), JD AM PhD (Harvard)
Honorary Fellow
Discipline of Film Studies

Dr Cholodenko first began teaching at the Universityof Sydney in 1978, and quickly became a pivotal figure in the development of art and film history and theory at the University, including through the creation of the still thriving discipline of Film Studies.
As a teacher he shaped a generation of minds by elucidating the complexities of French poststructuralist and postmodernist thought, and through his classes on philosophy, art and film. As a scholar, Dr Cholodenko has made a rich contribution to each of these fields, and is especially known for his pioneering work on animation.

  • The articulation of film theory with animation theory and both with contemporary French thought
  • 2010 McLaren-Lambart Award for Best Scholarly Article on Animation from the Society for Animation Studies for his article 'The Animation of Cinema', The Semiotic Review of Books, vol. 18, no. 2, 2008.

Selected publications


Edited Books

  • Cholodenko, A. (2007). The Illusion of Life 2: More Essays on Animation. Sydney: Power Publications. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (1996). Mass Mediauras: Form, Technics, Media. Sydney, Australia: Power Publications. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (1991). The Illusion of Life: Essays on Animation. Sydney, Australia: Power Publications. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Cholodenko, A. (2018). Apocalyptic Animation: In the Wake of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Godzilla, and Baudrillard. In Alisa Freedman, Toby Slade (Eds.), Introducing Japanese Popular Culture. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2015). 'Computer Says No', or: The Erasure of the Human. In Brad Buckley, John Conomos (Eds.), Erasure: The Spectre of Cultural Memory, (pp. 31-47). Faringdon: Libri Publishing.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2014). 'First Principles' of Animation. In Karen Beckman (Eds.), Animating Film Theory, (pp. 98-110). Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2020). The animator as an artist, the artist as an animator. A recap [El Animador como Artista, el artista como animador. Una recapitulacion]. Con A de Animacion, 10, 10-23. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2018). An Appreciation of Gerry Coulter. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, 15(1). [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2016). The Expanding Universe of Animation (Studies). Animation Studies, 11, 1-16. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2011). (The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix Part III: Death and the Death of Death. Sydney International Animation Festival 2010 Symposium, Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2009). (The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix Part I: Kingdom of Shadows. Animated dialogues, Melbourne, Australia: Society for Animation Studies.

Textual Creative Works

  • Cholodenko, A. (2020). Alan Cholodenko - 'Like Tears in Rain': the Crypt, the Haunted House, of Animation and Memory in the Era of Hyperreality. Animation Studies, Volume 15, United States of America: Society for Animation Studies. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2019). The Fatality of the Mirror. Primavera 2019: Young Australian Artists, (pp. 82 - 83). Australia: Museum of Contemporary Art Australia.

Reference Works

  • Cholodenko, A. (2010). Photography. In Smith, Richard G. (Eds.), The Baudrillard Dictionary. (pp. 155-157). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2009), Response to: Paula Callus, 'animation theory.. the limits of Cholodenko / or limiting the limitless', published 16 June, 2009. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2020). Alan Cholodenko - 'Like Tears in Rain': the Crypt, the Haunted House, of Animation and Memory in the Era of Hyperreality. Animation Studies, Volume 15, United States of America: Society for Animation Studies. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2020). The animator as an artist, the artist as an animator. A recap [El Animador como Artista, el artista como animador. Una recapitulacion]. Con A de Animacion, 10, 10-23. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2019). The Fatality of the Mirror. Primavera 2019: Young Australian Artists, (pp. 82 - 83). Australia: Museum of Contemporary Art Australia.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2018). An Appreciation of Gerry Coulter. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, 15(1). [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2018). Apocalyptic Animation: In the Wake of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Godzilla, and Baudrillard. In Alisa Freedman, Toby Slade (Eds.), Introducing Japanese Popular Culture. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2016). The Expanding Universe of Animation (Studies). Animation Studies, 11, 1-16. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2015). 'Computer Says No', or: The Erasure of the Human. In Brad Buckley, John Conomos (Eds.), Erasure: The Spectre of Cultural Memory, (pp. 31-47). Faringdon: Libri Publishing.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2015). The Animator as Artist, the Artist as Animator. Animation Studies, 10, 1-12. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2014). 'First Principles' of Animation. In Karen Beckman (Eds.), Animating Film Theory, (pp. 98-110). Durham: Duke University Press. [More Information]
  • Cholodenko, A. (2014). Acknowledgment - No Knowledge Without It: An Introduction to William Rothman and his Work. Film-Philosophy, 18, 1-8. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (2011). (The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix Part III: Death and the Death of Death. Sydney International Animation Festival 2010 Symposium, Sydney, Australia: Faculty of Design, Architecture & Building University of Technology Sydney, Australia.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2010). Photography. In Smith, Richard G. (Eds.), The Baudrillard Dictionary. (pp. 155-157). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2010). The 'ABCs' Of B, Or: To Be And Not To Be B. Film-Philosophy, 14(2), 84-112.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2009). (The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix Part I: Kingdom of Shadows. Animated dialogues, Melbourne, Australia: Society for Animation Studies.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2009). Animation (Theory) as the Poematic: A Reply to the Cognitivists. Animation Studies, 4, 1-16.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2009). Jean Rouch's Les Maitres Fous: Documentary of Seduction, Seduction of Documentary. In William Rothman (Eds.), Three documentary filmmakers, (pp. 157-178). New York: State University of New York Press.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2008). The Animation of Cinema. Semiotic Review, 18(2), 1-10.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2008). The Spectre in the Screen. Animation Studies, 37(2), 79-94.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2007). (The) Death (of) the Animator, or: The Felicity of Felix, Part II: A Difficulty in the Path of Animation Studies. Animation Studies, 2, 9-16.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2007). Introduction. In Alan Cholodenko (Eds.), The Illusion of Life 2: More Essays on Animation, (pp. 13-95). Sydney: Power Publications.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2007). Jean Rouch's Les Maitres Fous: Documentary of Seduction, Seduction of Documentary. In William Rothman (Eds.), Jean Rouch: A Celebration of Life and Film, (pp. 81-96). Fasano Italy: Schena Editore.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2006). The Nutty Universe of Animation, The 'Discipline' of All 'Disciplines, And That's Not All, Folks!. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, 3(1), 1-30.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2004). 'The Borders Of Our Lives': Frederick Wiseman, Jean Baudrillard, And The Question Of The Documentary. International Journal of Baudrillard Studies, 1 (e-journal)(2 (July)), online.
  • Cholodenko, A. (2004). The Crypt, The Haunted House, Of Cinema. Cultural Studies Review, 10(2), 99-113.


  • Cholodenko, A. (2003). Apocalyptic Animation: In the Wake of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Godzilla, and Baudrillard. In Grace, Worth And Simmons (Eds.), Baudrillard West of the Dateline, (pp. 228-244). New Zealand: Dunmore Press.


  • Cholodenko, A. (1996). Mass Mediauras: Form, Technics, Media. Sydney, Australia: Power Publications. [More Information]


  • Cholodenko, A. (1991). The Illusion of Life: Essays on Animation. Sydney, Australia: Power Publications. [More Information]


  • Grosz, E., Threadgold, T., Kelly, D., Cholodenko, A., Colless, E. (1986). Futur*Fall: Excursions Into Postmodernity. Sydney: Power Institute of Fine Arts, University of Sydney.