Dr Alexander Howard

Dr Alexander Howard

BA Hons (Sussex), PhD (Sussex), Master of Education (Sydney)
Deputy Head of School (Education)
Senior Lecturer
Discipline of English and Writing
02 8627 6846
A20 - John Woolley Building
The University of Sydney
Dr Alexander Howard

Dr Howard joined the University of Sydney in February 2018. Prior to that, he held a Visiting Research Fellowship in the School of Literature, Art and Media at Sydney. Dr Howard previously worked as a Lecturer in English here at Sydney, and as Associate Lecturer in Modernism Studies at the University of New South Wales, Australia (where he also worked as a Lecturer in English and Film Studies).

Dr Howard specialises in modernist, postmodernist, and contemporary forms of literature and film, with an interest in how these intersect with critical theory. In 2017, he published a monograph: Charles Henri Ford: Between Modernism and Postmodernism. Dr Howard has also published essays in Film Philosophy,Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, Modernism/modernity, and Journal of Modern Periodical Studies.

Dr Howard is currently working on three main research projects. The first, which bears the working title Fictions of Austerity, considers the relationship between cultural production and the politics and economics of austerity. The second deals with the historical and stylistic development of American film criticism, with a working title of Every Writer Their Own Style: The History of American Film Criticism. The third focuses on the work of the contemporary filmmaker Olivier Assayas.

  • 2019 The University of Sydney Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award
Project titleResearch student
Whole New Worlds: The Effect of Simulation Technology on Post-Digital Cinema and EntertainmentMichael CHIAN



  • Howard, A. (2017). Charles Henri Ford: Between Modernism and Postmodernism. London: Bloomsbury. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Howard, A. (2022). Canto 84. In Richard Parker (Eds.), Readings in the Cantos: Volume 2, (pp. 281-300). SC, United States: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2022). Queering Faulkner: Content, Structure, Failure. In Sarah Gleeson-White and Pardis Dabashi (Eds.), The New William Faulkner Studies, (pp. 117-135). New York: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2021). Gossip from Abroad, or, Why Historicise Modernism? In Matthew Feldman, Anna Svendsen and Erik Tonning (Eds.), Historicizing Modernists: Approaches to 'Archivalism', (pp. 203-214). London: Bloomsbury. [More Information]


  • Howard, A., Murphet, J. (2022). Transferring 'Suspiria': Historicism and Philosophies of Psychoanalytic Transference. Film-Philosophy, 26(1), 63-85. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2019). Beyond capitalist realism. Cultural Studies Review, 25(1), 189-192. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2018). Mr. Pound Goes to Washington. Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary, 10, i-xii. [More Information]

Edited Journals

  • Howard, A. (2018). Astern in the Dinghy: Commentaries on Ezra Pound's Thrones de los Cantares 96-109. Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary, 10. [More Information]

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Howard, A. (2025). 'The complicated zone where the beautiful and the damned collide': remembering David Lynch. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2025). Ecology of Fear: Mike Davis' history of LA and natural disaster is re-read whenever fire rages in California. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2025). Genius, madman or both? Japanese literary icon Yukio Mishima died leading a coup. He would have been 100 today. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2024), Punk Rock's Great Celtic Lyricist: Farewell to Shane McGowan (Georgian). Blog post. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2025). 'The complicated zone where the beautiful and the damned collide': remembering David Lynch. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2025). Ecology of Fear: Mike Davis' history of LA and natural disaster is re-read whenever fire rages in California. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2025). Genius, madman or both? Japanese literary icon Yukio Mishima died leading a coup. He would have been 100 today. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2024). 'An ideas novel that’s not boring': Rachel Kushner's revolutionary spy novel reflects on our hurtle towards extinction. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2024). 'Fake news of the highest order': Donald Trump team refutes racism revelations in new family memoir. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2024). 100 years of surrealism: how a French writer inspired by the avant-garde changed the world forever. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2023). 'This is the way the world ends': Nevil Shute's On the Beach warned us of nuclear annihilation. It's still a hot-button issue. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2023). Atlas Shrugged: Ayn Rand's hero burns the world down when he doesn't get his way. Her fans run the world - should we worry? The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2023). Belvoir's The Master and Margarita: astonishingly ambitious, physically demanding and a resounding success. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2022). Canto 84. In Richard Parker (Eds.), Readings in the Cantos: Volume 2, (pp. 281-300). SC, United States: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2022). Queering Faulkner: Content, Structure, Failure. In Sarah Gleeson-White and Pardis Dabashi (Eds.), The New William Faulkner Studies, (pp. 117-135). New York: Cambridge University Press. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2022). The case for American Psycho: why this controversial book (sold here in shrink wrap) still matters. The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2021). Gossip from Abroad, or, Why Historicise Modernism? In Matthew Feldman, Anna Svendsen and Erik Tonning (Eds.), Historicizing Modernists: Approaches to 'Archivalism', (pp. 203-214). London: Bloomsbury. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2020). Cocks, Corsets, Clocks: E. L. Doctorow and the Tunnel of Love. In Michael Wutz, Julian Murphet (Eds.), E.L. Doctorow: A Reconsideration, (pp. 148-175). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2019). Beyond capitalist realism. Cultural Studies Review, 25(1), 189-192. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2019). Solid Objects and Modern Tonics, or, who's Afraid of the Big Camp Woolf? In Guy Davidson, Monique Rooney (Eds.), Queer Objects, (pp. 32-47). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2018). Annotated Bibliography of Selected Criticism. In Ulrika Maude and Mark Nixon (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Modernist Literature, (pp. 469-520). London: Bloomsbury. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2018). Astern in the Dinghy: Commentaries on Ezra Pound's Thrones de los Cantares 96-109. Glossator: Practice and Theory of the Commentary, 10. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2018). Canto 13. In Richard Parker (Eds.), Readings in the Cantos, (pp. 135-144). Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2017). Charles Henri Ford: Between Modernism and Postmodernism. London: Bloomsbury. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2017). Keep on Waking: Charles Henri Ford, Camp, and Surrealism. Miranda, 14, 1-28. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2016). Camp, Modernism and Charles Henri Ford. Modernism/Modernity, 23(1), 9-13. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2014). Charles Henri Ford's Blues: A magazine of new rhythms and the belated renovation of modernism. The Journal of Modern Periodical Studies, 5(2), 161-195. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2014). Compacts, Commerce, and a Few Remarks Concerning Andrew Crozier. In Richard Parker (Eds.), News from Afar: Ezra Pound and Some Contemporary British Poetries, (pp. 109-121). Bristol: Shearsman Books. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2014). Light Enough Against Darkness? Historicizing Ezra Pound. Affirmations: Of the Modern, 2(1), 128-154. [More Information]


  • Howard, A. (2012). Into the 1930s. In Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker (Eds.), The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines Volume II: North America 1894-1960, (pp. 347-370). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
  • Howard, A. (2012). Returning the Gift. In Matt Foley, Neil McRobert and Aspasia Stephanou (Eds.), Transgression and its Limits, (pp. 109-120). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


  • Howard, A. (2011). Charles Henri Ford's Blues and Regionalism. Journal of American Studies, (18). [More Information]

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