2024 | - Cusack, C. (2024). Wulfila, the Gothic Bible, and the Mission to the Goths: Rethinking the ‘Apostle to the Goths’ in Terms of Homoian Theology, Conversion as a Strategy of Empire, and Fourth Century Social and Cultural Transformations. Religions, 15(10), 1177. [More Information]
2022 | - Cusack, C. (2022). A New Spiritual Marketplace: Comparing new age and new religious movements in an age of spiritual and religious tourism. In Daniel H. Olsen and Dallen J. Timothy (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Religious and Spiritual Tourism, (pp. 79-89). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2022). Book Review: David W. Kim (ed.), New Religious Movements in Modern Asian History: Sociocultural Alternatives. The Journal of Daesoon Thoughts, 1(2), 171-173. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2022). Book Review: David Weiss, The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan’s Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire. The Journal of Daesoon Thoughts, , 245. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2022). Book review: Jewdokimow, Marcin. 2020. A Monastery in a Sociological Perspective: Seeking for a New Approach, translated by Grzegorz Czwemiel. Fieldwork in Religion, 17(1), 106-107. [More Information]
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2021 | - Cusack, C. (2021). A Magickal School In the Twenty-First Century: The Grey School of Wizardry and Its Prehistory. In Bernd-Christian Otto and Dirk Johannsen (Eds.), Fictional Practice: Magic, Narration, and the Power of Imagination, (pp. 314-333). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2021). Book Review: Lewis, James R. and Huang Chao (eds) 2019. 'Enlightened Martyrdom: The Hidden Side of Falun
Gong'. Fieldwork in Religion, 15, 218-219. [More Information]
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- Upal, M., Cusack, C. (2021). Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2021). Introduction: Scriptures in the Study of G. I. Gurdjieff and the "Work". Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 12(2), 147-149. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2021). Norman Paulsen and the Brotherhood of the Sun/Sunburst. In Benjamin E. Zeller (Eds.), Handbook of UFO Religions, (pp. 354-368). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2021). Review of Richard Bradley (with Amanda Clarke, Andrew Fitzpatrick, Hugo Lamdin-Whymark, Roderick McCullagh and Alison Sheridan), 'Stages and Screens: An Investigation of Four Henge Monuments in Northern and North-Eastern Scotland'. Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History, 19, 99-100. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2021). Review of Stephen Shapiro and Philip Barnard, Pentecostal Modernism: Lovecraft, Los Angeles, and World-Systems Culture. Religion and Literature, 53(2), 158-160.
- Cusack, C. (2021). Review of Tessel M. Bauduin and Henrik Johnsson (eds), The Occult in Modernist Art, Literature, and Cinema. BASR: British Association for the Study of Religions Bulletin, 140, 14-15. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2021). Review of Yves Muhlematter and Helmut Zander (eds), Occult Roots of Religious Studies: On the Influence of Non-Hegemonic Currents on Academia around 1900. Wuhan Journal of Cultic Studies, 1(2), 174-175. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2021). Special Issue: Scriptures in the Study of G. I. Gurdjieff and the 'Work". Postscripts: The Journal of Sacred Texts, Cultural Histories, and Contemporary Contexts, 12(2). [More Information]
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2020 | - Cusack, C. (2020). A Tribute to Liselotte Frisk (1959-2020). International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 11.1, 5-12. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2020). Anne Hamilton-Byrne and the Family: Charisma, Criminality, and Media in the Construction of an Australian "Cult" Leader. Nova Religio: journal of alternative and emergent religions, 24(1), 31-54. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2020). Apostate Memoirs and the Study of Scientology in the Twenty-First Century. Implicit Religion, 23(2), 148-155. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2020). Book review: Ted Anton, Eros, Magic, and the Murder of Professor Culianu. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 11(1), 96-97. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C., Scott, R. (2020). Editors' introduction. Fieldwork in Religion, 14(2), 115-117. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2020). Esoteric Tourism in Scotland: Rosslyn Chapel, The Da Vinci Code, and the Appeal of the 'New Age'. In Jonathan Wooding and Lynette Olson (Eds.), Prophecy, Fate and Memory in the Early Medieval Celtic World, (pp. 247-270). Sydney: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2020). Fiction and the memory of "cultic violence": Charisma, power and gender in peoples temple and the Manson Family. Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 163(3), 38-50.
- Cusack, C. (2020). Foreword. Gurdjieff: Mysticism, Contemplation, and Exercises, (pp. xi-xvii). New York: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
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Transformations of an Esoteric Teaching. Correspondences, 8(2), 147-156. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2020). Review: Elin Andersson, Claes Gejrot, E. A. Jones, and Mia Akestam, eds., 'Continuity and Change: Papers from the Birgitta Conference at Dartington 2015'. (KVHAA Konferenser 93.) Stockholm: Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien, 2017. Speculum. A Journal of Medieval Studies, 95(1), 187-188. [More Information]
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2019 | - Cusack, C., Leone, M., Sconce, J. (2019). Afterword: Religious and Digital Imaginaries in Parallel Lines. In Simone Natale and Diana Pasulka (Eds.), Believing in Bits: Digital Media and the Supernatural. New York, United States: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2019). Death, Famine, War, and Conquest: The Black Death, The Hundred Years' War, and Popular Revolt in Barbara W. Tuchman's 'Calamitous Fourteenth Century'. Literature and Aesthetics, 29(1), 141-160. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C., Robertson, V. (2019). Introduction: The Study of Fandom and Religion. In Carole M. Cusack, John W. Morehead, Venetia Laura Delano Robertson (Eds.), The Sacred in Fantastic Fandom: Essays on the Intersection of Religion and Pop Culture, (pp. 1-13). Jefferson: McFarland & Company, Inc.
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2018 | - Cusack, C. (2018). Celebrating with the Church of the SubGenius: X-Day Rituals of Bad Taste, Burning 'Bob', and the End of the World (Not). In Frans Jespers, Karin van Nieuwkerk and Paul van der Velde (Eds.), Enjoying Religion: Pleasure and Fun in Established and New Religious Movements, (pp. 147-164). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
- Cusack, C., Scott, R. (2018). Editor's Introduction. Fieldwork in Religion, 13(2), 125-126. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2018). The Family (Santiniketan Park Association). World Religions and Spirituality (WRSP). [More Information]
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2017 | - Cusack, C. (2017). "Squirrels" and Unauthorised Uses of Scientology: Werner Erhard and EST, Ken Dyers and Kenja, and Harvey Jackins and Re-evaluation Counselling. In James R. Lewis, Kjersti Hellesoy (Eds.), Handbook of Scientology, (pp. 485-506). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
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Education Curriculum Policy in Indonesia and England. Journal of Religious Education, 64, 157-178. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2017). Special Issue: G. I. Gurdjieff, the Arts, and the Production of Culture. Religion and the Arts, 21(1-2).
- Cusack, C. (2017). Spirituality and self-realisation as 'other-than-human': The Otherkin and Therianthropy Communities. In Carole M. Cusack, Pavol Kosnac (Eds.), Fiction, Invention and Hyper-reality: From Popular Culture to Religion, (pp. 40-57). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2017). Virtual Religions and Real Lives. In Michael Bess and Diana Walsh Pasulka (Eds.), Posthumanism: The Future of Homo Sapiens, (pp. 167-177). Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA.
- Cusack, C. (2017). Wagner's Parsifal: Christianity, Celibacy, and Medieval Brotherhood as Ideal in Modernity. In Simone Celine Marshall, Carole M Cusack (Eds.), The Medieval Presence in the Modernist Aesthetic: Unattended Moments, (pp. 10-26). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
2016 | - Cusack, C. (2016). Archaeology and the World Religions Paradigm: The European Neolithic, Religion and Cultural Imperialism. In Christopher R. Cotter, David G. Robertson (Eds.), After World Religions: Reconstructing Religious Studies, (pp. 153-167). Oxon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2016). Did the Crusades lead to Islamic State? The Conversation. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Scott, R. (2016). Editors' introduction. Fieldwork in Religion, 11(2), 135-136. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2016). Fiction into religion: imagination, other worlds, and play in the formation of community. Religion, 46(4), 575-590. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2016). Invention in 'New New' Religions. In James R. Lewis, Inga Bardsen Tollefsen (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of New Religious Movements: Volume II, (pp. 237-247). New York: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
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- Prior, J., Cusack, C. (2016), Religion, Sexuality, and Spirituality [4-volume reprint series].
- Prior, J., Cusack, C. (2016). Religion, Sexuality, and Spirituality: An Introduction. In Jason H. Prior and Carole M. Cusack (Eds.), Religion, Sexuality, and Spirituality [4-volume reprint series], (pp. 1-11). Oxford: Routledge.
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- Cusack, C., Farley, H. (2016). Religion, the Occult, and the Paranormal: An Introduction. In Carole M. Cusack and Helen Farley (Eds.), Religion, the Occult, and the Paranormal [4-volume reprint series], (pp. 1-10). Oxford: Routledge.
- Cusack, C. (2016). Religion, The Occult, and the Paranormal: Method, Theory, and Definitions. In Carole M. Cusack and Helen Farley (Eds.), Religion, the Occult, and the Paranormal [4-volume reprint series], (pp. 11-17). Oxford: Routledge.
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- Cusack, C. (2016). Scientology and Sex: The Second Dynamic, Prenatal Engrams and the Sea Org. Nova Religio: journal of alternative and emergent religions, 20(2), 5-33. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Wilson, D. (2016). Scotland's Sacred Waters: Holy Wells and Healing Springs. Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History, 16, 67-84.
- Cusack, C. (2016). Special Issue: Fieldwork on Gurdjieff and the 'Work'. Fieldwork in Religion, 11(1).
- Cusack, C. (2016). Sports. In Michael Stausberg and Steven Engler (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Study of Religion, (pp. 472-481). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
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- Sutcliffe, S., Cusack, C. (2016). The Problem of Invented Religions. London and New York: Routledge. [More Information]
2015 | - Buljan, K., Cusack, C. (2015). Anime, Religion and Spirituality: Profane and Sacred Worlds in Contemporary Japan. Sheffield, United Kingdom: Equinox Publishing. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C. (2015). Foreword. In David W. Kim (Eds.), Religious Transformation in Modern Asia: A Transnational Movement, (pp. xi-xiv). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Sutcliffe, S. (2015). G. I. Gurdjieff and the Study of Religion/s. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 6(2), 109-115. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2015). Intentional Communities in the Gurdjieff Teaching. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 6(2), 159-178. [More Information]
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- Cusack, C., Sutcliffe, S. (2015). Special Issue: G. I. Gurdjieff and the Study of Religion. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 6(2).
- Cusack, C. (2015). The Messiah is a Salesman, Yet Consumerism is a Con(spiracy): The Church of the SubGenius, Work, and the Pursuit of Slack as a Spiritual Ideal. Nova Religio: journal of alternative and emergent religions, 19(2), 49-64. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2015). Two Scottish Romanesque Parish Churches: St Athernase, Leuchars and St Cuthbert, Dalmeny. Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History, 15, 97-122.
2014 | - Cusack, C. (2014). Guest editor's introduction: G.I. Gurdjieff. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 27(3), 259-261. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2014). Gurdjieff and Katherine Mansfield Redux: Alma de Groen's The Rivers of China. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 27(3), 325-345. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2014). Individual Suicide and the End of the World: Destruction and Transformation in UFO and Alien-Based Religions. In James R. Lewis, Carole M. Cusack (Eds.), Sacred Suicide, (pp. 91-108). Farnham, United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2014). Invented Religions. In George D Chryssides, Benjamin E Zeller (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements, (pp. 291-294). London: Bloomsbury Academic. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2014). Medicine and Mythology: Health and Healing in Indo-European Myths. Mentalities: an interdisciplinary journal, 26(1), 1-11. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Norman, A. (2014), Religion, Pilgrimage and Tourism. 4-volume reprint series, Routledge.
- Cusack, C. (2014). Representations of Indigenous Australian Religions in New South Wales (NSW) Higher School Certificate Studies of Religion Textbooks. In Bengt-Ove Andreassen, James R. Lewis (Eds.), Textbook Gods: Genre, Text and Teaching Religious Studies, (pp. 117-133). Sheffield, UK: Equinox Publishing. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Kirby, D. (2014), Sects, Cults and New Religions. 4-volume reprint series, Routledge.
- Cusack, C. (2014). Special Issue: G. I. Gurdjieff. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 27(3).
2013 | - Cusack, C. (2013). Discordianism. World Religions and Spirituality (WRSP). [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). Enlightenment Concepts, Medieval Contexts. In James L. Cox (Eds.), Critical Reflections on Indigenous Religions, (pp. 65-80). Farnham, UK: Ashgate. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). History, Authenticity, and Tourism: Encountering the Medieval While Walking Saint Cuthbert's Way. In Alex Norman (Eds.), Journeys and Destinations: Studies in Travel, Identity, and Meaning, (pp. 1-21). Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Sutcliffe, S., Cusack, C. (2013). Introduction: Making it (all?) up - 'invented religions' and the study of 'religion'. Culture and Religion, 14(4), 353-361. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). Play, narrative and the creation of religion: Extending the theoretical base of 'invented religions'. Culture and Religion, 14(4), 362-377. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). Religion-Making and Art-Making: Identifying Convergences Between Cognitive Evolutionary and Social Constructionist Models of Human Evolution. Literature and Aesthetics, 23(2), 97-110.
- Cusack, C. (2013). Richard Wagner's 'Der Ring des Nibelungen': Medieval, Pagan, Modern. Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception, 3(2), 329-352. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). Scotland's Sacred Tree: The Fortingall Yew. Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History, 14, 106-120.
- Sutcliffe, S., Cusack, C. (2013). Special Issue: Invented Religions. Culture and Religion, 14(4). [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). Special Issue: New Scholarship on Contemporary Religion From Australia and New Zealand. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 4(1). [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2013). The Romance of Hereditary Monarchs and Theocratic States: Ethiopia and Emperor Haile Selassie I in Rastafarianism and Tibet and the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in Western Buddhism. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 4(1), 122-146. [More Information]
2012 | - Cusack, C. (2012). "And the Building Becomes Man": Meaning and Aesthetics in Rudolf Steiner's Goetheanum. In Carole Cusack and Alex Norman (Eds.), Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production, (pp. 173-191). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2012). Charmed Circle: Stonehenge, Contemporary Paganism, and Alternative Archaeology. Numen-International Review for the History of Religions, 59(2-3), 138-155. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2012). Cognitive Narratology and the Study of New Religions. Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review, 3(2), 154-171. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Norman, A. (2012). Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production. Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Prior, J., Cusack, C. (2012). Identity and Ruins: Personal Integration and Urban Disintegration Understood Through a Touristic Lens. Literature and Aesthetics, 22(1), 156-170.
- Cusack, C. (2012). Media Coverage of Scientology in the United States. In Diane Winston (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Religion and the American News Media, (pp. 303-315). New York: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2012). The Gods on Television: Ramanand Sagar's Ramayan, Politics and Popular Piety in Late Twentieth-century India. In Adam Possamai (Eds.), Handbook of Hyper-real Religions, (pp. 279-297). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Norman, A., Cusack, C. (2012). The religion in Olympic tourism. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 10(2), 124-136. [More Information]
2011 | - Cusack, C. (2011). 'Celticity' in Australian alternative spiritualities. In Olivia Cosgrove, Laurence Cox, Carmen Kuhling, Peter Mulholland (Eds.), Irelands New Religious Movements, (pp. 281-299). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
- Cusack, C. (2011). An Enlightened Life in Text and Image: G. I. Gurdjieff's Meetings With Remarkable Men (1963) and Peter Brook's 'Meetings With Remarkable Men' (1979). Literature and Aesthetics, 21(1), 72-97.
- Cusack, C. (2011). Discontinuous Meditations on the Phenomenology of Religion. Mentalities: an interdisciplinary journal, 25(Nos 1-2), 1-7.
- Cusack, C. (2011). Discordian Magic: Paganism, the Chaos Paradigm and the Power of Parody. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 2(1), 125-145. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2011). New religions and the science of archaeology: Mormons, the Goddess and Atlantis. In Lewis, James R. and Hammer, Olav (Eds.), Handbook of Religion and the Authority of Science, (pp. 765-796). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2011). Pagan Saxon Resistance to Charlemagne's Mission: "Indigenous" Religion and "World" Religion in the Early Middle Ages. The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, 13(1), 33-51. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2011). Religion and Celebrity. Australian Religion Studies Review, 24(3).
- Cusack, C. (2011). Some Recent Trends in the Study of Religion and Youth. Journal of Religious History, 35(3), 409-418. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2011). The Sacred Tree: Ancient and Medieval Manifestations. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2011). The Western Reception of Buddhism: Celebrity and Popular Cultural Media as Agents of Familiarisation. Australian Religion Studies Review, 24(3), 297-316. [More Information]
2010 | - Cusack, C., Hartney, C. (2010). Introduction. In Carole M. Cusack, Christopher Hartney (Eds.), Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf, (pp. 1-14). Leiden: Brill.
- Cusack, C. (2010). Invented Religions: Imagination, Fiction and Faith. Surrey, England UK: Ashgate. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Hartney, C. (2010). Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf. Leiden: Brill.
- Cusack, C. (2010). Religion as something absolutely ordinary. Mentalities: an interdisciplinary journal, 24(1), 1-7.
- Cusack, C., Prior, J. (2010). Religion, Sexuality and Retribution: Placing the 'Other' in Sydney. In Carole M. Cusack, Christopher Hartney (Eds.), Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf, (pp. 347-368). Leiden: Brill.
- Prior, J., Cusack, C. (2010). Spiritual dimensions of self-transformation in Sydney's gay bathhouses. Journal of Homosexuality, 57(1), 71-97. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2010). Sport. In Hecht, Richard D. and Biondo, Vincent F. (Eds.), Religion and Everyday Life and Culture, (pp. 915-943). Santa Barbara: Praeger Publishers.
- Cusack, C. (2010). Sydney Society of Literature and Aesthetics. In Oppy, Graham and Trakakis, Nick (Eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 528-529). Clayton, VIC: Monash University Press.
- Cusack, C. (2010). The Burry Man Festival, South Queensferry: warding off evil spirits, connecting with nature and celebrating local identity. Journal of the Sydney Society for Scottish History, 13(October 2010), 37-53.
- Cusack, C. (2010). The Church of All Worlds and pagan ecotheology: uncertain boundaries and unlimited possibilities. Diskus: the on-disk journal of international religious studies, 11(1), 1-11.
2009 | - Cusack, C. (2009). Celebrity, the popular media and Scientology: making familiar the unfamiliar. In Lewis, James S (Eds.), Scientology, (pp. 389-409). New York, USA: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Cusack, C., Digance, J. (2009). Pastoral care and September 11: Scientology's nontraditional religious contribution. In Lewis, James S (Eds.), Scientology, (pp. 435-437). New York, USA: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2009). Science fiction as scripture: Robert A. Heinlein's Stranger in a strange land and the church of all worlds. Literature and Aesthetics, 19(2), 72-91.
- Cusack, C., Digance, J. (2009). The Melbourne Cup: Australian identity and secular pilgrimage. Sport in Society, 12(7), 876-889. [More Information]
- Cusack, C. (2009). The return of the Goddess: mythology, witchcraft and feminist spirituality. In Murphy Pizza and James R. Lewis (Eds.), Handbook of contemporary paganism, (pp. 335-362). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
2008 | - Cusack, C., Digance, J. (2008). "Shopping for a self": pilgrimage, identity-formation, and retail therapy. In Graham St John (Eds.), Victor Turner and contemporary cultural performance, (pp. 227-241). Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books.
- Cusack, C. (2008). Foreword. In John R. C. Martyn (Eds.), King Sisebut and the culture of Visigothic Spain, with translations of the lives of Saint Desiderius of Vienne and Saint Masona of Mérida, (pp. i-ii). Lewiston, New York; Queenston, Ontario; Lampeter, Wales: The Edwin Mellen Press.
- Prior, J., Cusack, C. (2008). Ritual, liminality and transformation: secular spirituality in Sydney's gay bathhouses. Australian Geographer, 39(3), 271-281. [More Information]
2007 | - Cusack, C. (2007). Konkokyo (Golden Light Teachings) and Modernity: A Test of the Faivre-Hanegraaf Six-Point Typology of Western Esotericism. Australian Religion Studies Review, 20(3), 317-333.
- Cusack, C. (2007). The Goddess Eostre: Bede's Text and Contemporary Pagan Tradition(s). The Pomegranate: The International Journal of Pagan Studies, 9(1), 22-40. [More Information]
2005 | - Cusack, C. (2005). Religion in Australian Society: a place for everything and everything and its place. Modern Greek Studies (Australia and New Zealand), 13, 28-45.
- Cusack, C., Di Lauro, F., Hartney, C. (2005). The buddha of suburbia : proceedings of the eighth Australian and International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference 2004. Sydney: RLA Press.
- Cusack, C. (2005). The Future of Australian Secularism: Religion, Civil Society and the American Alliance. Australian Review of Public Affairs, 10(October).
2004 | - Cusack, C. (2004). Esotericism, Irony And Paranoia In Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum'. In Edward Fitzpatrick Crangle (Eds.), Esotericism and the Control of Knowledge, (pp. 63-85). Sydney: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
2003 | - Cusack, C. (2003). Australian Paganism: Remnant of the Past or Way of the Future? Australian Review of Public Affairs, 22(August).
- Cusack, C. (2003). I'm Hopeful, You're Hopeful (We Hope). Australian Review of Public Affairs, 13(March).
- Cusack, C., Digance, J. (2003). Religious, Spiritual, Secular: Some American Responses to September 11. Australian Religion Studies Review, 16(2), 153-171.
- Cusack, C. (2003). The Virgin Mary at Coogee: A Preliminary Investigation. Australian Religion Studies Review, 16(1), 116-129.
- Cusack, C. (2003). Tradition and Change: Australian Churches and the Future. Australian Review of Public Affairs, 5(May).
2002 | - Digance, J., Cusack, C. (2002). Glastonbury: A Tourist Town for All Seasons. In Graham M.S.Dann (Eds.), The Tourist as a Metaphor of the Social World, (pp. 263-280). UK: CABI Publishing.
2001 | - Cusack, C., Oldmeadow, P. (2001). The End of Religions? Religion in an Age of Globalisation. Australia: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
- Cusack, C. (2001). The Essence of Buddhism: How to Bring Spiritual Meaning into Everyday. Australia: Lansdowne Publishing.
1999 | - Cusack, C., Oldmeadow, P. (1999). This Immense Panorama: Studies in Honour of Eric J. Sharpe. Sydney: The University of Sydney.
1998 | - Cusack, C. (1998). Conversion Among the Germanic Peoples. London: Cassell. [More Information]