Dr Catherine Page Jeffery

Dr Catherine Page Jeffery

BA Hons (Tasmania), PhD (Canberra)
Discipline of Media and Communications
Dr Catherine Page Jeffery

Dr Catherine Page Jeffery is a lecturer and researcher in the Discipline of Media and Communication at the University of Sydney. Catherine’s current research addresses digital media and families, with a particular focus on parenting in the digital age. Building on more than a decade of professional experience within the public and research sector, Catherine undertook a PhD at the University of Canberra examining parental anxieties about digital media. Since completing her doctorate in 2019, her work on digital media and families has been published in leading international journals.

Throughout 2021 Catherine designed and lead an innovative project in partnership with community services organisations and funded by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. The project worked with families with teenage and pre-teen children to promote intergenerational understanding about digital media use, with the aim of reducing media-related conflict at home.

Prior to entering academia Catherine worked in online content regulation and cyber safety education for the federal government, as well as at Australia’s ICT research centre of excellence. Her prior academic appointments include as a lecturer in media and communications at the University of Canberra.

  • Digital media and technological change
  • Parenting cultures, and digital media use within families
  • Moral panics and mass media framing of media use
  • Digital media use and gender, including perceptions about gendered online practices such as ‘drama’ and cyberbullying, and sexualised self-representation


  • MECO6911 - Financial and Investor Communication
  • MECO6908 - Strategy Selection in Corporate PR


  • Qualitative studies of digital media and families (parents and adolescents)
  • Youth and media
  • Member, International CommunicationsAssociation (ICA)
  • Member, Australian and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA)
Project titleResearch student



  • Page Jeffery, C. (2025). Parenting in a Digital World: Beyond Media Panics Towards a New Theory of Parental Mediation. New York: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2024). 'Trust us! we know what we are doing!' Parent-adolescent digital conflict in Australian families. Journal of Children and Media, 18(4), 472-488. [More Information]
  • Gregor, S., Gunawardena, M., Imran, A., Okai-Ugbaje, S., Page Jeffery, C., Wilson, R. (2023). Indigenous Knowledge-Sharing Interventions in Australia and the Use of Information and Communication Technology: A Scoping Review. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 27. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C., Atkinson, S., Graham, C. (2023). Using the story completion method to explore Australian parent and child responses to online risk. New Media and Society. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2020). Bedroom culture and intimate spaces: Parental perspectives on the psychological geography of teenagers' digital media use. 70th Annual International Communications Association Conference (ICA 2020), Washington, USA: International Communications Association.
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2020). Bullying is too strong a word ..': Parental accounts of their children's experiences of online conflict, exclusion and relational aggression. 70th Annual International Communications Association Conference (ICA 2020), Washington, USA: International Communications Association.
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2017). Parenting, ways of knowing and teenage children's use of digital technologies. QUT Digital Media Research Centre 'At Home with Digital Media', Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Humphry, J., Page Jeffery, C., Hutchinson, J., Boichak, O. (2024). Age verification for social media would impact all of us. We asked parents and kids if they actually want it. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2023). Is 13 too young to have a TikTok or Instagram account? The Conversation. [More Information]


  • Flew, T., Humphry, J., Gray, J., Hutchinson, J., Page Jeffery, C., Johnson, M., McKee, A., Nicholls, R. (2024). Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2020), Is that appropriate? Parental judgements about the risks and opportunities of teenagers' digital media use.


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2025). Parenting in a Digital World: Beyond Media Panics Towards a New Theory of Parental Mediation. New York: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2024). 'Trust us! we know what we are doing!' Parent-adolescent digital conflict in Australian families. Journal of Children and Media, 18(4), 472-488. [More Information]
  • Humphry, J., Page Jeffery, C., Hutchinson, J., Boichak, O. (2024). Age verification for social media would impact all of us. We asked parents and kids if they actually want it. The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Flew, T., Humphry, J., Gray, J., Hutchinson, J., Page Jeffery, C., Johnson, M., McKee, A., Nicholls, R. (2024). Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Social Media and Australian Society. [More Information]


  • Gregor, S., Gunawardena, M., Imran, A., Okai-Ugbaje, S., Page Jeffery, C., Wilson, R. (2023). Indigenous Knowledge-Sharing Interventions in Australia and the Use of Information and Communication Technology: A Scoping Review. Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 27. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2023). Is 13 too young to have a TikTok or Instagram account? The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C., Atkinson, S., Graham, C. (2023). Using the story completion method to explore Australian parent and child responses to online risk. New Media and Society. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2022). 'It's just another nightmare to manage:' Australian parents' perspectives on BYOD and 'ed-tech' at school and at home. Learning, Media & Technology, 47(4), 471-484. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C., Atkinson, S., McCallum, K. (2022). The Safe Online Together Project: A participatory approach to resolving inter-generational technology conflict in families. Communication Research and Practice, 8(2), 136-151. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2021). "It's really difficult. We've only got each other to talk to." Monitoring, mediation, and good parenting in Australia in the digital age. Journal of Children and Media, 15(2), 202-217. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2021). '[Cyber]bullying is too strong a word..': Parental accounts of their children's experiences of online conflict and relational aggression. Media International Australia. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2021). Digitally connected but personally disconnected? Crisis, digital media and the Australian family. Journal of Children and Media, 15(1), 6-9. [More Information]


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2020). Bedroom culture and intimate spaces: Parental perspectives on the psychological geography of teenagers' digital media use. 70th Annual International Communications Association Conference (ICA 2020), Washington, USA: International Communications Association.
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2020). Book review: Anja Riita Lahikainen, Tiina Malkia, and Katja Repo (Eds.), 'Media, Family Interaction and the Digitalization of Childhood'. Mobile Media & Communication, 8(3), 436-437. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2020). Bullying is too strong a word ..': Parental accounts of their children's experiences of online conflict, exclusion and relational aggression. 70th Annual International Communications Association Conference (ICA 2020), Washington, USA: International Communications Association.


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2018). Too sexy too soon, or just another moral panic? Sexualization, children, and "technopanics" in the Australian media 2004-2015. Feminist Media Studies, 18(3), 366-380. [More Information]


  • Fuller, G., Page Jeffery, C. (2017). 'There is no Zyzz': the subcultural celebrity and bodywork project of Aziz Shavershian. Celebrity Studies, 8(1), 20-34. [More Information]
  • Page Jeffery, C. (2017). Parenting, ways of knowing and teenage children's use of digital technologies. QUT Digital Media Research Centre 'At Home with Digital Media', Brisbane, Australia: Queensland University of Technology.


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2016). Parental anxieties and practices in the digital age. Engaging Innovation Conference, Canberra, Australia: University of Canberra, News and Media Research Centre.


  • Page Jeffery, C. (2015). Too Sexy Too Soon or Just Another Moral Panic? Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Annual Conference CSAA 2015, Melbourne, Australia: Cultural Studies Association of Australasia.


  • Fuller, G., Page Jeffery, C. (2014). "Do You Even Lift?" Zyzz and the Techno-Aesthetics of Homosociality. Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Annual Conference CSAA 2014, Wollongong, Australia: Cultural Studies Association of Australasia.

Selected Grants


  • Improving digital sexual literacy in Australia, McKee A, Power J, Lumby C, Page Jeffery C, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Discovery Projects (DP)

Other funded research

  • 2020-2022 Online Safety Grants Program - $118,000
    Safe Online Together: an integrated approach to navigating the risks and opportunities of digital media for families and young people.
    Dr Catherine Page Jeffery (project lead), Professor Kerry McCallum, Dr Yoonmo Sang.

In the media