Associate Professor Frances Di Lauro
Frances is an interdisciplinary scholar, formally trained in archaeology and religious studies, who teaches writing, rhetoric, and argumentation. Her area of specialisation is the analysis of communicative artifacts, and her current research projects focus on digital writing pedagogy, the digitisation of wayside shrines, and Thanatourism sites. She has developed innovative digital assessments using OER, open-access mobile technologies, and open mass collaboration platforms.
- Protest, apology, commemoration
- Blog writing
- Iconoclasm
- Silence
- Encyclopaedism from Augustine to Wikipedia
- The digitisation of shrines
Unit design, coordination and teaching:
- WRIT1002 Writing and rhetoric: argumentation
- WRIT6002 Writing for the Digital World
Frances currently supervises research postgraduate students in Religious and Fictional Apocalyptic Literature, the Development of Academic Integrity in Higher Education, and the Evolution of the Modern Hero’s Journey.
- Wiki’d Writing: Developing pedagogy around the use of online technologies and platforms for use in teaching. Frances has developed assessments (both formative and summative) using Wikipedia as a platform for cooperative writing.
- Global Rhetoric: Protest, crisis and rebellion: communicating dissent in a highly technologised world.
- Confessional Texts, intercession and the Rhetoric of Redemption:This project examines the implicit and explicit promotion of redemption ideology from the middle ages to the 20th Century.
- The Rhetoric of Food from Myth to Memoir: This research project evaluates food narratives and the role they play in constructing myth, reflecting social mores, and their rhetorical power to bring about action or inaction.
- SMRG (Sydney Medieval and Renaissance Group)
- ascilite (Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education)
- American Society for the History of Rhetoric (ASHR)
- E-Learning 2.0
- The Critical Thinking Community
- National Council of Teachers of English
- Vice Chancellor’s Award for Innovative Teaching, 2021
- The University of Hong Kong, 2017 Innovative Practices Award - with Rebecca Johinke and Jennifer Dowling
- Vice Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Teaching, 2016
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Teaching Excellence Award, 2016
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Excellence in Teaching (Practice) Award, 2009
- Faculty of Arts Excellence in Tutoring Award, 2005
Project title | Research student |
Creative nonfiction as a historical artefact in understudied facets of the Australian cult, The Family. | Caitlin BURNS |
Exploring The Garden: A reflection on the development of a contemporary writing practice the ‘Hero’s Journey’ and hope | Seth ROBINSON |
Mapping Religious Activism in Politics: Divergent Spatial Strategies in Singapore and Philippines | Alicia WANG |
Selected publications
- Di Lauro, F. (2012). Between Heaven and Hell: Faces of Iniquity and Surrender in Dante Alighieri's "La Divina Commedia". Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Acdemic Publishing.
Edited Books
- Barker, V., Di Lauro, F. (2007). On a Panegyrical Note: Studies in Honour of Garry W Trompf. Sydney: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
- Di Lauro, F. (2006). Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on the Sacred. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
- Cusack, C., Di Lauro, F., Hartney, C. (2005). The buddha of suburbia : proceedings of the eighth Australian and International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference 2004. Sydney: RLA Press.
Book Chapters
- Di Lauro, F. (2015). Virtually Sound: Flipped Classrooms and Other Learning Spaces. In Abigail G Scheg (Eds.), Implementation and Critical Assessment of the Flipped Classroom Experience, (pp. 218-245). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F., Shetler, A. (2013). Writing with Wikipedia: Building ethos through collaborative academic research. In Kristine E Pytash, Richard E Ferdig, Timothy V Rasinski (Eds.), Preparing Teachers to Teach Writing Using Technology, (pp. 209-223). Pittsburgh: ETC Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2007). 'The Gracious and Favouring Interposition of God': Eusebius and Divine Providence. In Victoria Barker and Frances di Lauro (Eds.), On a Panegyrical Note: Studies in Honour of Garry W Trompf, (pp. 205-224). Sydney: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
- Avieson, B., Di Lauro, F. (2024). Diversity, diasporas and digitality: the worlds of Wikimedia and beyond. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 30(3-4), 177-180. [More Information]
- Johinke, R., Cummings, R., Di Lauro, F. (2023). Reclaiming the technology of higher education for teaching digital writing in a post-pandemic world. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(2), 1-1-1-18. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2021). Another Man's Treasure: The Rhetorical Power of Remixed Objects in Anti-Retinal Art. The International Journal of the Image, 12(2), 15-32. [More Information]
Edited Journals
- Johinke, R., Di Lauro, F., Cummings, R. (2023). Higher education and digital writing in a post-pandemic world. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(2). [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2013). Teaching Writing and Academic Integrity using Wikipedia. EduWiki Conference 2013, UK: Wikimedia, UK.
- Di Lauro, F. (2012). A Little Treasure, A Worldly Man, and Shameful Love in Dante's 'Commedia'. A Love Supreme: The Aesthetics and Mythics of Love, University of Sydney: Sydney Society for Literature and Aesthetics.
- Di Lauro, F. (2012). Inspiration born of crisis: The role of exile in Dante's 'Commedia'. Inspired Voices Research Cluster, University of Sydney: Inspired Voices Research Cluster.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Di Lauro, F. (2020). Guide to the Classics: Boccaccio's Decameron, a masterpiece of plague and resilience. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2017). Guide to the Classics: Dante's Divine Comedy. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Kinder, J., Di Lauro, F., Alimeni, G. (2021), 700 years of Dante and The Divine Comedy. ABC Radio National: Soul Search. [More Information]
- Avieson, B., Di Lauro, F. (2024). Diversity, diasporas and digitality: the worlds of Wikimedia and beyond. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 30(3-4), 177-180. [More Information]
- Johinke, R., Di Lauro, F., Cummings, R. (2023). Higher education and digital writing in a post-pandemic world. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(2). [More Information]
- Johinke, R., Cummings, R., Di Lauro, F. (2023). Reclaiming the technology of higher education for teaching digital writing in a post-pandemic world. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 20(2), 1-1-1-18. [More Information]
- Kinder, J., Di Lauro, F., Alimeni, G. (2021), 700 years of Dante and The Divine Comedy. ABC Radio National: Soul Search. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2021). Another Man's Treasure: The Rhetorical Power of Remixed Objects in Anti-Retinal Art. The International Journal of the Image, 12(2), 15-32. [More Information]
- Avieson, B., Di Lauro, F. (2021). Introduction: Special issue on the worlds of Wikipedia. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 27(3), 205-206. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2020). 'If it is not in Wikipedia, blame yourself:' edit-a-thons as vehicles for computer supported collaborative learning in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 45(5), 1003-1014. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2020). Guide to the Classics: Boccaccio's Decameron, a masterpiece of plague and resilience. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Johinke, R., Di Lauro, F. (2020). Wikipedia in Higher Education: Practice What You Teach. Studies in Higher Education, 45(5), 947-949. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F., Johinke, R. (2017). Employing Wikipedia for Good not Evil: Innovative Approaches to Collaborative Writing Assessment. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(3), 478-491. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2017). Guide to the Classics: Dante's Divine Comedy. The Conversation. [More Information]
- Cummings, R., Di Lauro, F. (2017). Student perceptions of writing with Wikipedia in Australian higher education. First Monday, 22(6), 1-17. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2015). Virtually Sound: Flipped Classrooms and Other Learning Spaces. In Abigail G Scheg (Eds.), Implementation and Critical Assessment of the Flipped Classroom Experience, (pp. 218-245). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. [More Information]
- Shetler, A., Thomas, S., Di Lauro, F., Miller, B. (2013). Multimodal Writing Instruction in a Global World. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 17(3).
- Di Lauro, F. (2013). Teaching Writing and Academic Integrity using Wikipedia. EduWiki Conference 2013, UK: Wikimedia, UK.
- Di Lauro, F., Shetler, A. (2013). Writing with Wikipedia: Building ethos through collaborative academic research. In Kristine E Pytash, Richard E Ferdig, Timothy V Rasinski (Eds.), Preparing Teachers to Teach Writing Using Technology, (pp. 209-223). Pittsburgh: ETC Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2012). A Little Treasure, A Worldly Man, and Shameful Love in Dante's 'Commedia'. A Love Supreme: The Aesthetics and Mythics of Love, University of Sydney: Sydney Society for Literature and Aesthetics.
- Di Lauro, F. (2012). Between Heaven and Hell: Faces of Iniquity and Surrender in Dante Alighieri's "La Divina Commedia". Saarbrücken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Acdemic Publishing.
- Di Lauro, F. (2012). Inspiration born of crisis: The role of exile in Dante's 'Commedia'. Inspired Voices Research Cluster, University of Sydney: Inspired Voices Research Cluster.
- Di Lauro, F. (2011). James Treat: Around the Sacred Fire: Native Religious Activism in the Red Power Era. Journal of Religious History, 35(3), 430-431.
- Di Lauro, F. (2009). Douglas J. Davies: A Brief History of Death. Journal of Religious History, 33(4), 506-508. [More Information]
- Di Lauro, F. (2007). 'The Gracious and Favouring Interposition of God': Eusebius and Divine Providence. In Victoria Barker and Frances di Lauro (Eds.), On a Panegyrical Note: Studies in Honour of Garry W Trompf, (pp. 205-224). Sydney: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
- Barker, V., Di Lauro, F. (2007). On a Panegyrical Note: Studies in Honour of Garry W Trompf. Sydney: Department of Studies in Religion, University of Sydney.
- Di Lauro, F. (2006). Moctezuma's Revenge: Iconoclasm, religion and film. In Frances Di Lauro (Eds.), Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on the Sacred, (pp. 27-42). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2006). Redeeming Dante: Evidence for non-Islamic Precursors in the Commedia. Third Dante Conference, Not published.: Not Published.
- Di Lauro, F. (2006). Through a Glass Darkly: Reflections on the Sacred. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2005). Living in the End Times: the Prophetic Language of Bob Dylan. In Carole M. Cusack, Frances Di Lauro and Christopher Hartney. (Eds.), The buddha of suburbia : proceedings of the eighth Australian and International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference 2004, (pp. 186-202). Sydney: RLA Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2005). Religion, Iconoclasm and Subversion. Ways and Means: Reinventing Studies in Religion for the Third Millennium. The 29th Annual Conference of the Australian Association for the Study of Religion, Sydney: Australian Association for the Study of Religions.
- Cusack, C., Di Lauro, F., Hartney, C. (2005). The buddha of suburbia : proceedings of the eighth Australian and International Religion, Literature and the Arts Conference 2004. Sydney: RLA Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2004). Falling Into The Dark Side: Ominous Motifs In The "Fall Of Icarus" Myth. 2002 Conference of the Religion, Literature and the Arts Society, Sydney: RLA Press.
- Di Lauro, F. (2002). Keeping to the Centre: Ru and Daoist Ideals. (pp. 241-254).
- Di Lauro, F. (2000). Through Christian Hands: Evidence for Elements of pre-Christian Tradition in the Mongan Myths. Australian Celtic Journal, 7, 37-47.
Selected Grants
- OLES2129: Writing for the Digital World, Di Lauro F, DVC Education/Small Educational Innovation Grant
- Wikipedia Education Program for Academics and Students, Di Lauro F, The Australian-American Fulbright Commission/US Fulbright Senior Specialist Award
In the media
- 19/10/2023 - guest on ABC Soul Search: Icons and iconoclasts part 2