Dr Jedidiah Evans

Dr Jedidiah Evans

BA (Hons) (Macquarie), PhD (Sydney)
Discipline of English and Writing
02 8627 9422
Dr Jedidiah Evans

I am a lecturer in the Discipline of English. My current research focuses on arts and incarceration, with a particular interest in prison writing. I run weekly writing workshops at Parklea Correctional Centre and am associate editor of Paper Chained, which publishes the art and writing of incarcerated people.

I have previously worked on the literature of the US South and published Look Abroad, Angel: Thomas Wolfe and the Geographies of Longing with UGA Press in 2020.

  • Prison writing
  • Prison creative arts
  • Prison education
  • Prison poetry
  • The impact of Arts education on recidivism
  • American Literature, 20th Century and Southern
  • Literary history
  • Literature and Philosophy

- WRIT1000: Introduction to Academic Writing

- FASS3999: Interdisciplinary Impact

I am available to to supervise honours and postgraduate projects in English. Please reach out.

I am working on developing partnerships between prisons and universities, with a particular interest in collaborative forms of education. I am also working with Parklea Correctional Centre to develop a more rigorous and coherent approach to Arts-based interventions in Drug and Alcohol recovery. My current research is interested in the intersection between incarceration and writing: how we imagine prisons and prisoners, and how reading operates as a mode of liberation. I am also working on a scoping review of writing workshops in prisons to determine how researches--and prisons--justify the presence of writing on the inside.

  • MLA
  • ACEA
  • 2023 - University of Sydney Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Teaching Innovation Award
  • 2020 - University of Sydney Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Excellence in Teaching with Distinction (Early Career)
Project titleResearch student
Revisiting Post-Pandemic Flipped Classroom and Digital Use in an EFL Class at an Indonesian University: Meeting Pedagogical Needs or Succumbing to Trendy Adaptation?Lathifatuddini BINTI RUSDI
Re-Imagining Citizenship in Contemporary IsraelJerry LI
"A Moment of Induced Bafflement": Ambiguity and Ethics in the Short Fiction of George SaundersLisa-jane ROBERTS



  • Evans, J. (2020). Look Abroad, Angel: Thomas Wolfe and the Geographies of Longing. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Evans, J. (2018). Thomas Wolfe and the Domestication of Culture. In Jarrad Cogle, N. Cyril Fischer, Lydia Saleh Rofail, Vanessa Smith (Eds.), Portable Prose: The Novel and the Everyday. London: Lexington Books.


  • Clancey, G., Evans, J., Friedlander, L. (2023). Some long-term positive trends in youth detention in New South Wales (Australia). Safer Communities, 22(1), 15-27. [More Information]
  • Forsyth, H., Evans, J. (2019). Authentic assessment for a more inclusive history. Higher Education Research and Development, 38(4), 748-761. [More Information]
  • Evans, J. (2014). Thomas Wolfe, Transnationalism, and the (Really) Deep South. Thomas Wolfe Review, 38(1-2), 7-24. [More Information]

Textual Creative Works

  • Evans, J. (2023). Hannah. Paper Chained, 10, (pp. 34 - 34). Newcastle, Australia: Vigilante Studios. [More Information]

Web based exhibition

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Evans, J. (2018). 'Would you like me to check the price': the hard sell of contract cheating. Times Higher Education, 2374. [More Information]
  • Evans, J. (2018). 15% of students admit to buying essays. What can universities do about it? The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Foster, R., Schnellmann, J., Michelson, E., Evans, J., Moss, R., Jack, Z., Ankeny, R. (2018). Marking: How to keep your head. Times Higher Education, 2360. [More Information]


  • Evans, J. (2018), How can universities clamp down on cheaters?. Radio: ABC Radio Perth. [More Information]
  • Evans, J. (2018), Students buying essays. Radio: 2SER Breakfast. [More Information]


  • Evans, J. (2023). Hannah. Paper Chained, 10, (pp. 34 - 34). Newcastle, Australia: Vigilante Studios. [More Information]
  • Clancey, G., Evans, J., Friedlander, L. (2023). Some long-term positive trends in youth detention in New South Wales (Australia). Safer Communities, 22(1), 15-27. [More Information]



  • Evans, J. (2020). Look Abroad, Angel: Thomas Wolfe and the Geographies of Longing. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. [More Information]


  • Forsyth, H., Evans, J. (2019). Authentic assessment for a more inclusive history. Higher Education Research and Development, 38(4), 748-761. [More Information]


  • Evans, J. (2018). 'Would you like me to check the price': the hard sell of contract cheating. Times Higher Education, 2374. [More Information]
  • Evans, J. (2018). 15% of students admit to buying essays. What can universities do about it? The Conversation. [More Information]
  • Evans, J. (2018), How can universities clamp down on cheaters?. Radio: ABC Radio Perth. [More Information]


  • Evans, J. (2017). Australia's sessional staff are wrung out and then discarded. Times Higher Education. [More Information]
  • Evans, J. (2017). Can Literature Make Us Better People? The Millions. [More Information]
  • Evans, J., Forsyth, H. (2017). Casual exploitation must become history. Times Higher Education. [More Information]


  • Evans, J. (2014). Thomas Wolfe, Transnationalism, and the (Really) Deep South. Thomas Wolfe Review, 38(1-2), 7-24. [More Information]

Selected Grants


  • The Sydney Prison Arts Program, Evans J, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS External Engagement Fund 2023