Dr Joseph W. Lehner
Deputy Director, Vere Gordon Childe Centre
ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award Fellow, Archaeology
Joseph (Seppi) Lehner is an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Award Fellow who specializes in the archaeology of Southwest Asia. He finished his PhD at the UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology and is a past Alexander von Humboldt German Chancellor Fellow at the University of Tübingen and a Senior Fellow at the Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations at Koç University in Istanbul. He conducts extensive field work in Turkey and Oman, and has been involved in projects elsewhere in Egypt, Ethiopia, India, and Arctic North America. His research focuses on the social, environmental, and cultural impacts of strategic resource management, in particular mining and metallurgy.
- Early complex societies and states in southwestern Asia
- Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia & Arabia
- Human – environment interaction, complex economies, urbanism, long-distance trade
- Archaeological materials science, archaeometallurgy
- Honorary Research Fellow: Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Macquarie University.
- Courtesy Assistant Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Central Florida.
- Affiliated Scholar, Institute of Nautical Archaeology.
- Mid-Career Researcher (MCR) Excellence Award, 2024 FASS Research Awards
Project title | Research student |
Recycling Paphos: An archaeological investigation of architectural reuse and recycling practices in Paphos, Cyprus, from Hellenism to Tourism | Candace RICHARDS |
Coastal Living: Environmental Changes and Human Responses in Southern Sri Lanka in the mid-to-late Holocene | Madeline ROBINSON |
Northern Arabia Mobile Pastoralism | Jacek WANKOWSKI |
Selected publications
Edited Books
- Draycott, C., Branting, S., Lehner, J., Ozarslan, Y. (2023). From Midas to Cyrus and Other Stories: Papers on Iron Age Anatolia in Honour of Geoffrey and Francoise Summers (BIAA Monograph 57). London: The British Institute at Ankara (BIAA).
Book Chapters
- Branting, S., Lehner, J., Langis-Barsetti, D., Kalayci, T., Baturayoglu Yoney, N., Ozarslan, Y., Coockson, B. (2024). Exploration of the Metropolis at Kerkenes Dagi Over the Past 120 Years: A Tangled Tale. In Edited by Catherine M. Draycott, Scott Branting, Joseph W. Lehner, Yasemin Oz (Eds.), From Midas to Cyrus and Other Stories: Papers on Iron Age Anatolia in Honour of Geoffrey and Francoise Summers (BIAA Monograph 57), (pp. 19-36). London: The British Institute at Ankara (BIAA).
- KURUÇAYIRLI, E., Lehner, J., Blackwell, N., HIRSCHFELD, N., Jansen, M., Martin, S., Langis-Barsetti, D. (2024). Recent Research on the Cape Gelidonya Metal Cargo: New Insight into Existing Questions. WANAT. Western Anatolia in the second millennium BCE: recent developments and future prospects, (pp. 259-279). Turkey: Koc University Press.
- Lehner, J., Dumitru, I., Buffington, A., Dollarhide, E., Nathan, S., Paulsen, P., Young, M., Sivitskis, A., Wiig, F., Harrower, M. (2023). Iron Age Copper Metallurgy in Southeast Arabia: A Comparative Perspective. In Erez Ben-Yosef, Ian W. N. Jones (Eds.), "And in length of days understanding" (Job 12:12) - Essays on Archaeology in the 21st Century in Honor of Thomas E. Levy, (pp. 1391-1417). Cham: Springer Nature. [More Information]
- Zaribaf, A., Lehner, J., Branting, S., Langis-Barsetti, D., Kelloway, S., Carter, E. (2025). Non-destructive analysis of archaeological amber from Iron Age Kerkenes in central Anatolia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 61, 1-11. [More Information]
- Paulsen, P., Zaribaf, A., Lehner, J., David-Cuny, H., Dumitru, I., Nathan, S., Sivitskis, A., Shannon, J., Wiig, F., Arsenault, B., et al (2024). Architecture, social relations, and trade at mountain settlements in Iron Age Oman. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 53, 194-210.
- Zaribaf, A., Lehner, J., Paulsen, P., Dumitru, I., Sivitskis, A., Arsenault, B., Fisher, B., Buffington, A., Dollarhide, E., Harrower, M. (2024). Socio-political factors influencing early Islamic copper production in Oman. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 53, 316-332.
- Zaribaf, A., Lehner, J., Branting, S., Langis-Barsetti, D., Kelloway, S., Carter, E. (2025). Non-destructive analysis of archaeological amber from Iron Age Kerkenes in central Anatolia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 61, 1-11. [More Information]
- Paulsen, P., Zaribaf, A., Lehner, J., David-Cuny, H., Dumitru, I., Nathan, S., Sivitskis, A., Shannon, J., Wiig, F., Arsenault, B., et al (2024). Architecture, social relations, and trade at mountain settlements in Iron Age Oman. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 53, 194-210.
- Branting, S., Lehner, J., Langis-Barsetti, D., Kalayci, T., Baturayoglu Yoney, N., Ozarslan, Y., Coockson, B. (2024). Exploration of the Metropolis at Kerkenes Dagi Over the Past 120 Years: A Tangled Tale. In Edited by Catherine M. Draycott, Scott Branting, Joseph W. Lehner, Yasemin Oz (Eds.), From Midas to Cyrus and Other Stories: Papers on Iron Age Anatolia in Honour of Geoffrey and Francoise Summers (BIAA Monograph 57), (pp. 19-36). London: The British Institute at Ankara (BIAA).
- KURUÇAYIRLI, E., Lehner, J., Blackwell, N., HIRSCHFELD, N., Jansen, M., Martin, S., Langis-Barsetti, D. (2024). Recent Research on the Cape Gelidonya Metal Cargo: New Insight into Existing Questions. WANAT. Western Anatolia in the second millennium BCE: recent developments and future prospects, (pp. 259-279). Turkey: Koc University Press.
- Draycott, C., Branting, S., Lehner, J., Ozarslan, Y. (2023). From Midas to Cyrus and Other Stories: Papers on Iron Age Anatolia in Honour of Geoffrey and Francoise Summers (BIAA Monograph 57). London: The British Institute at Ankara (BIAA).
- Lehner, J., Dumitru, I., Buffington, A., Dollarhide, E., Nathan, S., Paulsen, P., Young, M., Sivitskis, A., Wiig, F., Harrower, M. (2023). Iron Age Copper Metallurgy in Southeast Arabia: A Comparative Perspective. In Erez Ben-Yosef, Ian W. N. Jones (Eds.), "And in length of days understanding" (Job 12:12) - Essays on Archaeology in the 21st Century in Honor of Thomas E. Levy, (pp. 1391-1417). Cham: Springer Nature. [More Information]
- Branting, S., Baltali-Tirpan, S., Lehner, J., Langis-Barsetti, D., Kalayci, T., Baturayoglu Yoney, N., Graff, S., Groff, A., Avcil, S., Proctor, L., et al (2022). Kerkenes 2019. In Adil Ozme (Eds.), 2019-2020 Yili Kazi Calismalari, Cilt 4, (pp. 155-166). Ankara: Kultur Varliklari ve Muzeler Genel Mudurlugu.
- Lehner, J. (2022). Oxhide Ingots and the Mediterranean Bronze Age: New Archaeometallurgical Research on the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck. Bulletin (Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens), 18, 8-13.
- Yule, P., Gaudiello, M., Lehner, J. (2021). Al-Salayli Valley in Eastern Oman, Early Iron Age Burial and Multi-Period Copper Production. Zeitschrift fur Orient-Archaologie, 14, 276-317.
- Lehner, J. (2021). Cape Gelidonya: Building Research Partnerships Around Archaeological Science. The INA Quarterly, 48(3-4), 16-20.
- Lehner, J., Kuruçayırlı, E., Martin, S., Langis-Barsetti, D., Bowland, L., Hirschfeld, N. (2021). Oxhide Ingots and The Cape Gelidonya Wreck: New Research on an Old Problem. TINA Maritime Archaeology Periodical, 13, 60-73.
- Lehner, J., Kurucayirli, E., Hirschfeld, N. (2020). Oxhides, Buns, Bits and Pieces: Analyzing the Ingot Cargo of the Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck. In Ayelet Gilboa and Assaf Yasur-Landau (Eds.), Nomads of the Mediterranean: Trade and Contact in the Bronze and Iron Ages, (pp. 161-176). Leiden: Brill. [More Information]
- Ipek, O., Ibis, R., Lehner, J. (2019). A Unique Hittite Bracelet From Citli Village of Corum Province. IN MEMORIAM UGUR SILISTRELI: STUDIES ON ANATOLIAN ARCHAEOLOGY, , 171-185.
- Sivitskis, A., Lehner, J., Harrower, M., Dumitru, I., Paulsen, P., Nathan, S., Viete, D., Al-Jabri, S., Helwing, B., Wiig, F., et al (2019). Detecting and Mapping Slag Heaps at Ancient Copper Production Sites in Oman. Remote Sensing, 11(24), 1-24. [More Information]
- Branting, S., Lehner, J., Marston, J., Graff, S. (2019). Kerkenes and Phrygia: Old and New Directions of Research. In G.R. Tsetskhladze (Eds.), Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period, (pp. 539-559). Leuven: Peeters.
- Wiig, F., Harrower, M., Braun, A., Nathan, S., Lehner, J., Simon, K., Sturm, J., Trinder, J., Dumitru, I., Hensley, S., et al (2018). Mapping a Subsurface Water Channel with X-Band and C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar at the Iron Age Archaeological Site of 'Uqdat al-Bakrah (Safah), Oman. Geosciences, 8(9), 1-15. [More Information]
- Lehner, J. (2017). Compositional Analysis of Copper Alloys from the Middle Plateau Excavations at Bogazkoy. In A. Schachner (Eds.), Ausgrabungen in der westlichen Oberstadt 1: Das mittlere Plateau zwischen Sarıkale und Yenicekale, (pp. 250-254). Berlin: De Gruyter.
- Lehner, J. (2017). Innovation and Continuity of Metal Production and Consumption during the Early Iron Age at Bogazkoy-Hattusa. In A. Schachner (Eds.), Innovations versus Beharrung: Was Macht den Unterschied des hethitischen Reichs im Anatolien des 2nd Jahrtausends v. Chr.? Workshop zu Ehren von Jurgen Seeher, (pp. 145-161). Istanbul: Deutsches Archaologisches Institut.
- Branting, S., Tirpan, S., Lehner, J., Ozarslan, Y., Langis-Barsetti, D., Yoney, N., Marston, J., Graff, S., Proctor, L., Paulsen, P., et al (2017). Kerkenes 2016. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, 39, 37-48.
- Branting, S., Tirpan, S., Lehner, J., Ozarslan, Y., Langis-Barsetti, D., Kalayci, T., Yoney, N., Graff, S., Proctor, L., Asiliskender, B. (2016). Kerkenes 2015. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, 38, 179-190.
- Branting, S., Baltali Tirpan, S., Lehner, J., Baturayoglu Yoney, N., Penacho, S., Ozarslan, Y., Langis-Barsetti, D. (2016). Kerkenes Dagi 2014. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, 37, 1-12.
- Lehner, J., Yazgan, E., Pernicka, E., Kulakoglu, F. (2015). Continuity of Tin Consumption during the Early Bronze Age at Kultepe. In F. Kulakoglu, C. Michel (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Kultepe International Meeting. Kultepe, September 19-23, 2013. Studies Dedicated to Kutlu Emre, (pp. 195-218). Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
- Yener, K., Kulakoglu, F., Yazgan, E., Kontani, R., Hayakawa, Y., Lehner, J., Dardeniz, G., Ozturk, G., Johnson, M., Kaptan, E., et al (2015). New tin mines and production sites near Kultepe in Turkey: A third-millennium BC highland production model. Antiquity, 89(345), 596-612. [More Information]
- Lehner, J., Yener, K. (2014). Organization and specialization of early mining and metal technologies in Anatolia. In Roberts B W, Thornton C P (Eds.), Archaeometallurgy in global perspective: Methods and syntheses, (pp. 529-557). New York: Springer. [More Information]
- Schoop, U., Lehner, J. (2013). Long-distance trade and communication networks in Late Chalcolithic Anatolia. Heritage Turkey, , 27.
- Lehner, J. (2011). A Preliminary Report on the Microstructure and Microanalysis of Metal from Bogazkoy: Project Framework and Aims of Research. Archaeologischer Anzeiger, 2011/1(31-86), 57-64.
- Lehner, J. (2011). Bogazkoy Metal Buluntularinin Mikroyapisi Ve Mikroanalizi Hakkindaki On Rapor. Arkeometri Sonuclari Toplantisi, , 261-276.
- Summers, G., Branting, S., Tirpan, S., Baturayoglu Yoney, N., Lehner, J. (2011). Kerkenes 2010. Kazi Sonuclari Toplantisi, (33), 535-558.
Selected Grants
- FASS humanities, AI and education collaboration with University of Toronto, Gulson K, McKenzie K, Hilliard C, Lehner J, Tan J, Flew T, Weatherall K, Bello Villarino J, Gray J, Freebody K, Mockler N, Markauskaite L, Rawlings V, Office of Global Engagement/Compact Agreement Global Research Partnerships
- From mines to graves: metallurgy and metal exchange in western Anatolia ca 3700- 1500 BC, Lehner J, British Institute at Ankara (UK)/Research Grant
Other Grants
- Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency fund (CAPEX), The University of Sydney, The Vere Gordon Childe ExoLab for Field Research and Education
- The Merops Foundation, Kerkenes Project 2023, with Dr. Scott Branting (UCF)
- European Space Agency Earth Online – ICEYE Program, Using SAR to identify and map subsurface archaeological or paleoenvironmental features in arid environments No. 69988, with Frances Wiig (UNSW), Dr. M. Harrower (JHU), S. Hensley (NASA/JPL), J. Trinder (UNSW)
- George and Ann Bass Publication Grant, Institute of Nautical Archaeology, The Cape Gelidonya Shipwreck Project, with Nicolle Hirschfeld
- The Merops Foundation, Kerkenes Project 2022,with Dr. Scott Branting (UCF)
- Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency fund (CAPEX), The University of Sydney, Vere Gordon Childe Centre Digital Humanities Hub
- Provost’s Capital Equipment and Contingency fund (CAPEX), The University of Sydney,Visualising deep time and cultural heritage from macro to micro scale
- The Merops Foundation, Kerkenes Project 2021, with Dr. Scott Branting (UCF)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada No.1113886, Tayinat Archaeological Project: Investigating Craft Production, Political Economy, and Early State Formation in Southeastern Turkey,with Dr. Timothy Harrison (UToronto) et al.
- The Merops Foundation, Kerkenes Project 2020, with Dr. Scott Branting (UCF)
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization ANSTO Research Portal Proposal AP1257, Dating the Rise of Social Complexity and Metallurgy in Arabia,with Prof. Lloyd Weeks (UNE), Dr. Vladimir Levchenko (ANSTO), & Amir Zaribaf (USyd).
- Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), FAIMS 3.0 Electronic Field Notebooks: A platform for field research supporting digital data capture and management in diverse situations, with Dr. Shawn Ross (MQU) et al.
- The Merops Foundation, Kerkenes Project 2019, with Dr. Scott Branting (UCF)