Dr Mark Seton
BA (Majors in Theatre and Philosophy) GradDipArts (Theatre) (UNSW) PhD (Performance Studies) (Sydney)
Honorary Associate
Discipline of Theatre and Performance Studies
Discipline of Theatre and Performance Studies
A20 - John Woolley Building
The University of Sydney
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Book Chapters
- Pender, A., Knight, T., Peters, S., Seton, M. (2023). Wellbeing for Student Actors: #MeToo and New Initiatives in the Australian Tertiary Drama Curriculum. In Mathew A. White, Faye McCallum and Christopher Boyle (Eds.), New Research and Possibilities in Wellbeing Education, (pp. 91-112). Singapore: Springer. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2019). Integrating wellbeing skills and practices into professional curriculum: Challenges and opportunities. In Adiva Sifris and Judith Marychurch (Eds.), Wellness for Law: Making Wellness Core Business. Chatswood, Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2017). Nurturing Innovation in Performance Training: Embodying Values of Interconnection, Collectivity, and Interaction in Higher Education. In Maureen Miner, Martin Dowson (Eds.), Creativity and Spirituality: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, (pp. 159-176). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. [More Information]
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- Szabo, M., Seton, M., Maxwell, I., Cunningham, M. (2022). Psychological Well-Being of Australian Actors and Performing Artists: Life Satisfaction and Negative Affect. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37(2), 106-117. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2021). What we 'profess' as professionals and how we behave - are they the same thing? The Official: International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, 5(1), 1-18. [More Information]
- Maxwell, I., Seton, M., Szabo, M. (2020). 'Part of the job': Actors' experiences of bullying and harassment. Fusion, 17, 79-95. [More Information]
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Edited Journals
- Maxwell, I., Seton, M., Szabo, M. (2015). The Lives of Actors. About Performance, 13. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2008). "Post-dramatic" stress: negotiating vulnerability for performance. 2006 Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, Sydney: University of Sydney.
Web Site / Exhibition
- Seton, M. (2015). The Lives of Actors. Sense Connexion, Australia. [More Information]
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- Pender, A., Knight, T., Peters, S., Seton, M. (2023). Wellbeing for Student Actors: #MeToo and New Initiatives in the Australian Tertiary Drama Curriculum. In Mathew A. White, Faye McCallum and Christopher Boyle (Eds.), New Research and Possibilities in Wellbeing Education, (pp. 91-112). Singapore: Springer. [More Information]
- Szabo, M., Seton, M., Maxwell, I., Cunningham, M. (2022). Psychological Well-Being of Australian Actors and Performing Artists: Life Satisfaction and Negative Affect. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37(2), 106-117. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2021). What we 'profess' as professionals and how we behave - are they the same thing? The Official: International Journal of Contemporary Humanities, 5(1), 1-18. [More Information]
- Maxwell, I., Seton, M., Szabo, M. (2020). 'Part of the job': Actors' experiences of bullying and harassment. Fusion, 17, 79-95. [More Information]
- Szabo, M., Maxwell, I., Cunningham, M., Seton, M. (2020). Alcohol Use by Australian Actors and Performing Artists: A Preliminary Examination from the Australian Actors' Wellbeing Study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 35(2), 73-80. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2020). Immunity to change? Attending to symptoms of culture and cultish in the actor's training regime. Fusion, 17, 129-139. [More Information]
- Blackwood, E., Latukefu, L., Seton, M. (2019). Actor training in portfolio careers: Flourishing in a creative career beyond 'Luck'. Fusion, 15, 18-26. [More Information]
- Szabo, M., Cunningham, M., Seton, M., Maxwell, I. (2019). Eating Disorder Symptoms in Australian Actors and Performing Artists. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 34(4), 171-178. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2019). Integrating wellbeing skills and practices into professional curriculum: Challenges and opportunities. In Adiva Sifris and Judith Marychurch (Eds.), Wellness for Law: Making Wellness Core Business. Chatswood, Australia: LexisNexis Butterworths. [More Information]
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- Maxwell, I., Seton, M., Szabo, M. (2018). The Precarious Lives of Actors. Australasian Drama Studies, 72, 149-174. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2017). Nurturing Innovation in Performance Training: Embodying Values of Interconnection, Collectivity, and Interaction in Higher Education. In Maureen Miner, Martin Dowson (Eds.), Creativity and Spirituality: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, (pp. 159-176). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing. [More Information]
- Seton, M., Maxwell, I., Szabo, M. (2015). Introduction: The Lives of Actors. About Performance, 13, 1-4. [More Information]
- Prior, R., Maxwell, I., Szabo, M., Seton, M. (2015). Responsible care in actor training: effective support for occupational health training in drama schools. Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, 6(1), 59-71. [More Information]
- Maxwell, I., Seton, M., Szabo, M. (2015). The Australian Actors' Wellbeing Study: A Preliminary Report. About Performance, 13, 69-113. [More Information]
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- Seton, M., Trouton, L. (2014). Deconstructing the Taken-For-Grantedness of Institutional Knowledge and Power in Arts Education: Restoring the Voice of the Creative Student. In Warren Midgley, Andy Davies, Mark E. Oliver, Patrick Alan Danaher (Eds.), Echoes: Ethics and Issues of Voice in Education Research, (pp. 95-109). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2013). Apocalyptic and Prophetic: Revelation and Mystery in the Revival of Doctor Who. In James Aston, John Walliss (Eds.), Small Screen Revelations: Apocalypse in Contemporary Television, (pp. 164-178). Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press.
- Seton, M. (2013). Traumas of Acting Physical and Psychological Violence: How Fact and Fiction Shape Bodies for Better or Worse. Performing Ethos, 4(1), 25-40. [More Information]
- Burvill, T., Seton, M. (2010). Access to digitized performance documentation and the Ausstage database. Studies in Theatre and Performance, 30(3), 305-321. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2010). The ethics of embodiment: Actor training and habitual vulnerability. Performing Ethos, 1(1), 5-20. [More Information]
- Seton, M. (2008). "Post-dramatic" stress: negotiating vulnerability for performance. 2006 Conference of the Australasian Association for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, Sydney: University of Sydney.
- Seton, M. (2007). Recognising and Misrecognising the 'X' Factor: The Audition Selection Process in Actor-training Institutions Revisited. Australasian Drama Studies, 50, 170-182.
- Seton, M. (2007). The Exhiliration and Anxiety of Free Fall: A review of "The Kamikaze Mind" by Richard James Allen. Jacket: international poetry and prose magazine, 33.
- Seton, M. (2001). Reproducability: Determining Presence, Generating Absence. Metro, 131/132, 204-210.
In the media
- 16/05/2023 - interviewed in The Cut: Bad Actor Michèle Lonsdale-Smith’s acting class promised transformation. Instead, ex members say they were subject to cultlike abuse.