Dr Michael Nielsen

Dr Michael Nielsen

Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
A14 - The Quadrangle
The University of Sydney

Philosophy of science; (formal) epistemology; philosophy of probability; decision theory.

Philosophy of science; epistemology; probability and decision theory; logic; mathematical philosophy.

Project titleResearch student
On the Relationship Between Mathematical Models and Physical SystemsChristian ALAFACI



  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2024). New possibilities for fair algorithms. Philosophy and Technology.
  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2024). New Possibilities for Fair Algorithms. Philosophy & Technology (Dordrecht, 1988), 37(4), 116. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M. (2024). Only CDT values knowledge. Analysis, 84(1), 67-82. [More Information]


  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2024). New possibilities for fair algorithms. Philosophy and Technology.
  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2024). New Possibilities for Fair Algorithms. Philosophy & Technology (Dordrecht, 1988), 37(4), 116. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M. (2024). Only CDT values knowledge. Analysis, 84(1), 67-82. [More Information]


  • Nielsen, M. (2023). Accuracy and Probabilism in Infinite Domains. Mind, 132(526), 402-427. [More Information]


  • Nielsen, M. (2022). A harder dilemma for partial subjunctive supposition. Analysis, 82(4), 585-592. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M. (2022). A harder dilemma for partial subjunctive supposition (forthcoming). Analysis.
  • Nielsen, M. (2022). Accuracy and probabilism in infinite domains (forthcoming). Mind.


  • Nielsen, M. (2021). A New Argument For Kolmogorov Conditionalization. Review of Symbolic Logic, 14(4), 930-945. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M. (2021). Accuracy-dominance and conditionalization. Philosophical Studies, 178(10), 3217-3236. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2021). Conglomerability, disintegrability, and the comparative principle. Analysis, 81(3), 479-488. [More Information]


  • Nielsen, M. (2020). A new justification of induction (book note on Hume's Problem Solved: The Optimality of Meta-Induction by Gerhard Schurz). Metascience, 29. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M. (2020). Deterministic convergence and strong regularity. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 71(4), 1461-1491. [More Information]
  • Huttegger, S., Nielsen, M. (2020). Generalized learning and conditional expectation. Philosophy of Science, 87(5), 868-883. [More Information]


  • Stewart, R., Nielsen, M. (2019). Another approach to consensus and maximally informed opinions with increasing evidence. Philosophy of Science, 86(2), 236-254. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2019). Counterexamples to Some Characterizations of Dilation. Erkenntnis, 86(5), 1107-1118. [More Information]
  • Nielsen, M., Stewart, R. (2019). Obligation, permission, and Bayesian orgulity. Ergo, 6(3), 58-70. [More Information]


  • Scarantino, A., Nielsen, M. (2015). Voodoo dolls and angry lions: how emotions explain arational actions. Philosophical Studies, 172(11), 2975-2998. [More Information]