Dr Nick Riemer
BA (Sydney), PhD. (Sydney)
Senior Lecturer
Discipline of English and Writing
Discipline of English and Writing
+61 2 9036 7039
A20 - John Woolley Building
The University of Sydney
- history and philosophy of linguistics
- Modern English language, especially verb semantics
- meaning in language (semantic description and theory; polysemy; semantic change)
- semiotic theory (the foundations of semiotics; semiotics and grammar)
- metaphor
- language and subjectivity, especially the place of emotion in theories of language
I am a member of the Laboratoire d'Histoire des Théories Linguistiques CNRS/Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Selected publications
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- Riemer, N. (2023). Boycott Theory and the Struggle for Palestine: Universities, Intellectualism and Liberation. Lanham, MD, United States: Rowman and Littlefield. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2021). L'emprise de la grammaire: Propositions epistemologiques pour une linguistique mineure. Lyon: ENS Editions. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2010). Introducing Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Edited Books
- Riemer, N. (2016). The Routledge Handbook of Semantics. Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
Book Chapters
- Riemer, N. (2025). The Antimanager. In Anthony Cordingley (Eds.), Literature and Pedagogy: Studies in Honour of Bruce Gardiner (forthcoming). Sydney: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2023). Domination and Underlying Form in Linguistics. In Sinfree Makoni, Cristine Severo, Ashraf Abdelhay, Anna Kaiper-Marquez et al (Eds.), Shades of Decolonial Voices in Linguistics, (pp. 190-209). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2020). Disciplinarity and the Boycott. In David Landy, Ronit Lentin and Conor McCarthy (Eds.), Enforcing Silence: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the Criticism of Israel, (pp. 67-90). London: Zed Books Ltd. [More Information]
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- Bayeh, J., Riemer, N. (2024). Palestine Solidarity and Zionist Backlash in Australian Universities. Middle East Critique. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2019). Cognitive linguistics and the public mind: Idealist doctrines, materialist histories. Language and Communication, 64, 38-52. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2018). Review of: The Australian Idea of a University. History of Education Review, 47(1), 105-106. [More Information]
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- Riemer, N. (2003). Meaning change in verbs: the case of strike. 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2001, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Riemer, N. (2002). Interpreting semantic extension: metaphor and metonymy on different levels of lexical categorization. 2001 Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Australia: Australian Linguistic Society.
Textual Creative Works
- Riemer, N. (2006). The Thing You're In. Australia: Australian Book Review.
- Riemer, N. (2004). James Stinks (and so does Chuck). Australia: Puncher and Wattmann.
- Riemer, N. (2003). Park André Citroën in Winter. Germany: Lyrik.Log 24.
Magazine / Newspaper Articles
- Riemer, N. (2024). Resisting the Israelisation of Western universities. Overland. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2019). France's Left Is Finally Fighting Islamophobia. Jacobin. [More Information]
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- Riemer, N. (2025). The Antimanager. In Anthony Cordingley (Eds.), Literature and Pedagogy: Studies in Honour of Bruce Gardiner (forthcoming). Sydney: Sydney University Press. [More Information]
- Bayeh, J., Riemer, N. (2024). Palestine Solidarity and Zionist Backlash in Australian Universities. Middle East Critique. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2024). Resisting the Israelisation of Western universities. Overland. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2023). Boycott Theory and the Struggle for Palestine: Universities, Intellectualism and Liberation. Lanham, MD, United States: Rowman and Littlefield. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2023). Domination and Underlying Form in Linguistics. In Sinfree Makoni, Cristine Severo, Ashraf Abdelhay, Anna Kaiper-Marquez et al (Eds.), Shades of Decolonial Voices in Linguistics, (pp. 190-209). Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2021). L'emprise de la grammaire: Propositions epistemologiques pour une linguistique mineure. Lyon: ENS Editions. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2020). Disciplinarity and the Boycott. In David Landy, Ronit Lentin and Conor McCarthy (Eds.), Enforcing Silence: Academic Freedom, Palestine and the Criticism of Israel, (pp. 67-90). London: Zed Books Ltd. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2019). Cognitive linguistics and the public mind: Idealist doctrines, materialist histories. Language and Communication, 64, 38-52. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2019). France's Left Is Finally Fighting Islamophobia. Jacobin. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2019). Linguistic form: A political epistemology. In James McElvenny (Eds.), Form and formalism in linguistics, (pp. 225-264). Berlin: Language Science Press. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2018). Review of: The Australian Idea of a University. History of Education Review, 47(1), 105-106. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2017). Prescription, Description and 'Artefactualism' in Renaissance Vernacular Grammar: The French Case. Histoire Epistemologie Langage, 39(2), 131-151. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2016). Academics, the humanities and the enclosure of knowledge: The worm in the fruit. Australian Universities' Review, 58(2), 33-41.
- Riemer, N. (2016). Internalist semantics: Meaning, conceptualization and expression. In Nick Riemer (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Semantics, (pp. 30-47). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2016). Introduction: Semantics - a theory in search of an object. In Nick Riemer (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Semantics, (pp. 1-10). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
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- Léon, J., Riemer, N. (2015). Genese et developpement du concept de grammaticalite dans la pensee de Chomsky (1952-1965). Grassland Research, 37(2), 115-152. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2015). Word Meanings. In John R Taylor (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Word, (pp. 305-319). Oxford: Oxford University Press. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2014). Comment: Interjections and Expressivity. Emotion Review, 6(1), 64-65. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2014). Compte rendu de Noam Chomsky 'The Science of Language. Interviews with James McGilvray'. Histoire Epistemologie Langage, 35, 161-165.
- Riemer, N. (2013). Conceptualist semantics: explanatory power, scope and uniqueness. Language Sciences, 35(1), 1-19. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2013). Sous-minimalite, planification et effets de contexte sur la representation semantique. CORELA: Cognition Representation Langage, HS-14, 1-14.
- Riemer, N. (2011). La conception syntaxique de la polysémie : une critique. CogniTextes, 6, 1-18.
- Riemer, N. (2011). Sense individuation and syntactic optionality. In Brett Baker, Ilana Mushin, Mark Harvey, Rod Gardner (Eds.), Indigenous Language and Social Identity: papers in honour of Michael Walsh, (pp. 365-384). Canberra, ACT: Pacific Linguistics.
- Riemer, N. (2010). Introducing Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Riemer, N. (2009). Grammaticality as evidence and as prediction in a Galilean linguistics. Language Sciences, 31(5), 612-633. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2009). On not having read Itkonen: empiricism and intuitions in the generative data debate. Language Sciences, 31, 649-662. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2006). Reductive Paraphrase and Meaning: A Critique of Wierzbickian Semantics. Linguistics and Philosophy, 29(3), 347-379. [More Information]
- Riemer, N. (2006). The Thing You're In. Australia: Australian Book Review.
- Riemer, N. (2005). The Semantics of Polysemy: Reading Meaning in English and Warlpiri. Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Riemer, N. (2004). James Stinks (and so does Chuck). Australia: Puncher and Wattmann.
- Riemer, N. (2003). Meaning change in verbs: the case of strike. 15th International Conference on Historical Linguistics 2001, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Riemer, N. (2003). Park André Citroën in Winter. Germany: Lyrik.Log 24.
- Riemer, N. (2003). Servant of two masters? NSM and semantic explanation. Theoretical Linguistics, 29, 283-294.
- Riemer, N. (2002). Interpreting semantic extension: metaphor and metonymy on different levels of lexical categorization. 2001 Australian Linguistic Society Conference, Australia: Australian Linguistic Society.
- Riemer, N. (2002). Verb polysemy and the vocabulary of percussion and impact in Central Australia. Australian Journal of Linguistics, 22(1), 45-96.
- Riemer, N. (2002). When is a metonymy no longer a metonymy? In Rene Dirven & Ralf Porings (Eds.), Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast, (pp. 379-406). New York & Berlin: Berlin / New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Riemer, N. (2001). Remetonymizing metaphor: Hypercategories in semantic extension. Cognitive Linguistics, 12(4), 379-401.
Selected Grants
- Linguistic semantics: towards a critical synthesis, Riemer N, University of Sydney/Early Career Researcher
Non peer-reviewed articles
- The Ramsay Centre and the reality of ideology Overland, 28 March 2019
- Writing politics in a burning world. Overland, 15 June 2018
- A question of academic freedom. Jacobin,31 July 2017
- Diversity, linguistics and domination: how linguistic theory can feed a kind of politics most linguists would oppose. History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences, 11 May 2016
- Nuit Debout. A new bottom-up movement on the streets of France. Arena, 142 (2016), 30-34
- The roots of islamophobia in France. Jacobin, 29 August 2016
- Islamophobia, Secularism and the French Left. Solidarity Online, 19 August 2016
- University Deregulation. Arena Magazine, 134, February-March 2015
Commentary and Opinion
- After Christchurch universities have a responsibility: abandon Ramsay Sydney Morning Herald, 19 March 2019
- Ramsay course offers stark choice to Australian universities. Sydney Morning Herald, 6 September 2018
- Weaponising Learning. Sydney Review of Books, 12 June 2018
- If Israel was a school shooter, there would be a moral debate. New Matilda, 19 May 2018
- Nakba Day: The Palestinian Slaughter Goes On But A Path To Peace Is Still Possible. New Matilda, 15 May 2018
- Tossing and turning: what keeps university staff awake? The union member. Times Higher Education, 23 November 2017
- BDS encourages Israel to enter into a two-state dialogue. The Australian, 26 July 2017
- See for earlier published commentary