Dr Shawna Tang

Dr Shawna Tang

Dr Ser Wei Shawna Tang
Senior Lecturer in Gender Studies
+61 2 9351 3537
+61 2 9351 3918
A14 - The Quadrangle
The University of Sydney
Dr Shawna Tang

Shawna Tang joined the University of Sydney in 2018. Prior to joining the university, she held individual postdoctoral fellowships at the Sexualities and Genders Research Group, School of Social Sciences at Western Sydney University and at the Asia Research Institute at the National University of Singapore. She is on the Editorial Collectives of Feminist Theory and the Hong Kong University Press' Queer Asia book series, as well as on the Executive Committee of the Australian Society for Asian Humanities.

Shawna Tang explores the multiple figurations of gender and sexuality to think through historical material realities of race, colonialism, imperialism, nationalism, globalisation and capitalism. She studies social formations at the intersections of race, gender and sexuality through engagements with decolonial and anti-colonial studies, queer cultural studies, queer-of-colour and Marxist critiques, critical race theory and transgender studies.

Project titleResearch student
How Sydney’s queer men interpret and view the ageing male body - an ethnographic account looking from the inside out.Bryon BOYD
Fixing the boy ‘problem’: An analysis of secondary education programmes designed for boys and young men.Hannah GOSS
The Image of Girls in Chinese Fiction During the Republican EraYiwen LI
Silenced Voices and Systemic Violence: A Comparative Sociocultural Study of Chinese Queer Females in Australia and ChinaTaylor LIU
The Queer Power in Chinese Dangai DramaZi WANG



  • Tang, S. (2016). Postcolonial Lesbian Identities in Singapore: Re-thinking Global Sexualities. Oxford: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). [More Information]

Edited Books

  • Tang, S., Wijaya, H. (2022). Queer Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. [More Information]

Book Chapters

  • Park, J., Tang, S. (2024). The Accidental Showgirl: Reminiscing with Performer and Pioneer Feminist Lynne Hutton-Williams. In M. Hardie, M. Morris and K. Race (Eds.), The Year's Work in "Showgirls" Studies, (pp. 229-263). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  • Tang, S., Quah, E. (2022). Exploring Southeast Asian Queer Migrant Biographies: Queer Utopia, Capacitations, and Debilitations. In Shawna Tang and Hendri Yulius Wijaya (Eds.), Queer Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Tang, S., Wijaya, H. (2022). Queer Southeast Asia: Itineraries, Stop-Overs, and Delays. In Shawna Tang and Hendri Yulius Wijaya (Eds.), Queer Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Quah, E., Tang, S. (2024). Racialised Queer Chinese Migrants in Australia: Entanglements of Queerness and Chineseness. Journal of Intercultural Studies, , 1-17. [More Information]
  • Tang, S. (2022). Notes on Transkids: an affirmative feminist study of transgender boyhood in Israel's sexual modernity. Continuum, 36(1), 52-63. [More Information]
  • Tang, S., Tang, D. (2021). Not man enough! Queer Asian masculinities at the field site. Journal of Gender Studies, 30(5), 573-583. [More Information]


  • Tang, S. (2013). Queering state-sexuality relations: sodomy law in postcolonial Singapore. The Australian Sociological Association Conference (TASA) 2013: Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology, Melbourne, Vic: The Australian Sociological Association (TASA).
  • Tang, S. (2011). Re-examining 'transnationality' through Singapore lesbian identities. Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association 2011: Local Lives/Global Networks (TASA 2011), Newcastle, Australia: University of Newcastle.

Magazine / Newspaper Articles

  • Tang, S. (2006). REIT way: the Reit idea. Inside: Different Geographies, September.


  • Black, P., Driscoll, C., Grealy, L., Kean, J., Laughren, F., Laurie, T., Sharkey, G., Steains, T., Tang, S., Demekech Graham, S., Hayes, H., Burns, K., et al (2024), Feminist Boys Studies Research Group - Feminist Boys Studies Research Group. [More Information]


  • Black, P., Driscoll, C., Grealy, L., Kean, J., Laughren, F., Laurie, T., Sharkey, G., Steains, T., Tang, S., Demekech Graham, S., Hayes, H., Burns, K., et al (2024), Feminist Boys Studies Research Group - Feminist Boys Studies Research Group. [More Information]
  • Quah, E., Tang, S. (2024). Racialised Queer Chinese Migrants in Australia: Entanglements of Queerness and Chineseness. Journal of Intercultural Studies, , 1-17. [More Information]
  • Park, J., Tang, S. (2024). The Accidental Showgirl: Reminiscing with Performer and Pioneer Feminist Lynne Hutton-Williams. In M. Hardie, M. Morris and K. Race (Eds.), The Year's Work in "Showgirls" Studies, (pp. 229-263). Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


  • Tang, S., Quah, E. (2022). Exploring Southeast Asian Queer Migrant Biographies: Queer Utopia, Capacitations, and Debilitations. In Shawna Tang and Hendri Yulius Wijaya (Eds.), Queer Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Tang, S. (2022). Notes on Transkids: an affirmative feminist study of transgender boyhood in Israel's sexual modernity. Continuum, 36(1), 52-63. [More Information]
  • Tang, S., Wijaya, H. (2022). Queer Southeast Asia. London: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Tang, S., Tang, D. (2021). Not man enough! Queer Asian masculinities at the field site. Journal of Gender Studies, 30(5), 573-583. [More Information]
  • Tang, S., Cornell, C. (2021). Teaching Gender and Cultural Studies in Australia as Part of Asia: Reflections on Classroom Politics and Pedagogies. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 42(4), 394-405. [More Information]
  • Laurie, T., Driscoll, C., Grealy, L., Tang, S., Sharkey, G. (2021). Towards an Affirmative Feminist Boys Studies. Boyhood Studies, 14(1), 75-92. [More Information]


  • Bansel, P., Perell, D., Tang, S. (2020). What is this moment we are caught in? Gender, Work and Organization, 27(1), 117-128. [More Information]


  • Tang, S. (2019). Sexuality in cultural studies: Doing queer research in asia transnationally. Cultural Studies Review, 25(2), 72-77. [More Information]


  • Tang, S., Quah, S. (2018). Divorced and never married mothers in Singapore: practices, challenges and hopes. In Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Shu Hu (Eds.), Family and Population Changes in Singapore: A unique case in the global family change, (pp. 150-162). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]
  • Tang, S., Quah, S. (2018). Heteronormativity and sexuality politics in Singapore: the case of female-headed households of divorced and lesbian mothers. Journal of Sociology, 54(4), 647-664. [More Information]
  • Tang, S. (2018). Same-sex partnering and same-sex parented families in Singapore. In Wei-Jun Jean Yeung, Shu Hu (Eds.), Family and Population Changes in Singapore: A unique case in the global family change, (pp. 180-196). Abingdon: Routledge. [More Information]


  • Tang, S. (2016). Postcolonial Lesbian Identities in Singapore: Re-thinking Global Sexualities. Oxford: Routledge (Taylor and Francis). [More Information]


  • Tang, S. (2013). Queering state-sexuality relations: sodomy law in postcolonial Singapore. The Australian Sociological Association Conference (TASA) 2013: Reflections, Intersections and Aspirations 50 years of Australian Sociology, Melbourne, Vic: The Australian Sociological Association (TASA).


  • Tang, S. (2012). Transnational Lesbian Identities: Lessons from Singapore? In A. Yue and J. Zubillaga-Pow (Eds.), Queer Singapore: Illiberal Citizenship and Mediated Cultures, (pp. 83-96). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. [More Information]


  • Tang, S. (2011). Re-examining 'transnationality' through Singapore lesbian identities. Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association 2011: Local Lives/Global Networks (TASA 2011), Newcastle, Australia: University of Newcastle.


  • Harley, K., Tang, S. (2008). Sociology teaching: Some postgraduate experiences. Nexus, 20(4), 11-12.


  • Tang, S. (2006). REIT way: the Reit idea. Inside: Different Geographies, September.

Selected Grants


  • COVID Kick Start, Tang S, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences/FASS COVID Kick Start Fund 2022


  • Australian Boys: Beyond the Boy Problem, Driscoll C, Grealy L, Tang S, Laurie T, Kean J, Australian Research Council (ARC)/Special Research Initiative: Australian Society, History and Culture